Chapter 31

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"Daddy! Daddy!" I feel a little cannonball landing on my stomach

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"Daddy! Daddy!" I feel a little cannonball landing on my stomach. "Wake up! Wake up! It's Christmas!"

I groan and open my eyes as I feel the little whirl of excitement begin to bounce excitedly on my chest.

"Ok, ok Bea, I'm up! I'm up!"

She giggles delightedly at me as her curls bounce wildly around her head.

"Where's mummy?" I ask as I pull her up into my arms making her squeal.

"Breakfast." Is my little reply, "mummy told me to get you, it's time for presents."

Bea squeals as I lift her up onto my shoulders and begin to walk down the hall and towards the stairs.

A year ago, we moved out of the penthouse and into a real house on the suburbs of Chicago. I wanted Beatrix to grow up with a garden and now in the summer months it's her favourite place to be.

"Are you ready for all your presents?" I question as I bounce Bea on my shoulders slightly making her shriek in delight.

"Yes, daddy." She replies dutifully.

"Good girl," I lift her from my shoulders and place her back down on her little, unsteady feet.

Bea started walking very early on, she was eager to see the world on her own, but even now she's still unsteady on her feet as she toddles off to find her mother.

"Duskana, sweetheart?" I call out as I walk into the kitchen and find the oven on, but now lovely wife waiting for me.

"I'm in here, Cole." Duskana calls out from the living room. Listening to the sound of her voice, I follow it and find her sitting on the sofa with Beatrix on her lap.

They are both staring at the Christmas tree with all the wrapped presents beneath it.

Duskana's eyes look tired, it's only six o'clock in the morning right now and I'm guessing Duskana has been up earlier than that.

Bea's eyes, however, are filled with wonder and joy as the largest pile has her name on it.

"Why don't we each pick one to open together?" I suggest, knowing I have a very special present to give to my wife.

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