Chapter 32

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"Well that was delicious, Dusk

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"Well that was delicious, Dusk." My father praises me as we all stare at our empty plates. Even Bea cleared her little plate of Christmas dinner and now we are all stuffed.

Bea looks at all of us from her chair and yawns.

"Sleepy, daddy." Bea rubs at her little eyes and Cole is on his feet as soon as she speaks to him.

"Is it time for a nap, precious?" He coos as he scoops her up, her little head rests on his shoulder and as he walks out of the room, she waves at me sleepily.

"Sleep well, Bea." I call after her until I hear Cole's footsteps on the stairs.

"So, I actually have some news dad."

"Yeah?" My father leans forward excitedly and clasps my hand.

"I'm pregnant again."

"Another grandchild!" His face lights up in joy, "oh Dusk baby, that's wonderful news."

"I know, Cole is so pleased and even Bea is looking forward to being a big sister."

"Do you know how far along you are yet?"

I can already tell from the glint in my father's eye that he's hoping it's soon, he loves to spoil Bea whenever he can and now he's ready for the next one.

"I don't know, we've got a doctor's appointment soon, I think I'm about a month or so along."

"Good, good, that's great news."

Cole's footsteps head back down the stairs quietly and he re-emerges into the dining room.

"Did she go down alright?" I ask, holding my hand out for him to take.

"She's already asleep, all that food and excitement has tired her out."

"I don't blame her, I'm feeling a little wiped out right now too." I finally admit reluctantly, knowing the reaction it will bring from the two over protective men in my life.

"You go and lie down then, sweetheart." Cole immediately jumps to his feet, ready to help me up.

"I'm fine Cole, I need to clean up all this mess."

"Not if you're tired." My father pipes up, "you go and have a nap, Cole and I will clear all this away."

"Ok," I nod my head, accepting defeat far too easily because, to be perfectly honest, I'm dying for a good sleep.

Cole wraps an arm around my waist like he's terrified I'm about to collapse, I realise he missed this part of the pregnancy last time so it's only natural he's going to be even more protective of me.

"Are you alright now?" He asks after he's helped me to the bed.

"I'm fine, baby, I just get tired in this trimester." I explain as Cole's lips part in interest.

"Oh, can I kiss you?"

"You don't ever have to ask that Cole," I explain and then lean forwards until our lips meet. It's gentle and slow, teasing and intimate.

When we separate, I'm breathless and aching for more but it's not like anything is going to happen, not with my father downstairs.

We can hear the clink of plates as my father begins to clear up and Cole drops his head.

"I'll go and help your father," he says before kissing my cheek lovingly, "I wish I could stay with you."

"Hmmm, I do too. We can snuggle up by the fire this evening with our baby girl."

Cole beams at me and kisses my lips again.

"That sounds heavenly."

Cole walks out of my bedroom, but not before blowing me a kiss. He is an incorrigible romantic when it comes to me.

As soon as I hear the laughter of both men, I get up from my bed and walk into Bea's room.

She's dozing on her bed, curled up against one of her new teddies and she just looks so gorgeous it hurts me chest.

There's enough room on the bed for me and I'm so desperate to fall asleep next to my daughter so I climb onto the bed carefully.

Bea let's out a little groan in her sleep but she quickly snuggles into my chest.

"Hi mumma," she grumbles in her sleep making my heart leap. I snuggle down under the covers beside her and press a little kiss to her chubby cheek.

Almost as soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep.

"Sweetheart," Cole's voice brings me back to reality from dreamland, "you've been asleep for about an hour now."

"Oh, thank you." Cole and I have a rule, if I ever fall asleep, he has to wake me up after an hour or it will upset my sleep.

Bea stirs next to me and immediately wraps her little arms around me.

"Hello precious," Cole tickles her under her chin making her giggle in glee.

"Hi daddy," she sits up, her curls wild from sleep, "up." She makes adorable little grabby hands which of course Cole immediately responds to.

He dotes on her almost as much as he loves her and she knows it. He will do anything for her, even carry her around all day long.

"Where's dad?" I ask as I swung my legs off the side of the bed, Bea is already in her father's arms.

"He's watching tv downstairs, I thought we could have some chocolate all together."

"Chocolate?" Bea's little head perks up immediately, "can I have some daddy?"

"Of course you can, angel." Cole kisses all over her cheeks making her giggle.

We walk downstairs together and I find my dad sitting on the sofa watching Die Hard on the tv. As soon as he sees us, he abruptly turns it off, it's definitely not suitable for Bea's little eyes.

"Hi dad," I smile as I settle down beside him and Cole places Bea on my lap.

"Hello my girls." Bea gifts dad with a beaming smile, precious and joyous.

"Is Cassian not coming today?" I ask Cole, I could have sworn that yesterday he told me he would be here. It's only just properly clicked that Christmas Day is nearly over, and we haven't seen Cassian yet.

"Yeah, I just got a text from him. He can't make it today, a family emergency."

"Another?" I can't stop the word before it slips out but my father has already heard it.

"Is anything wrong?" He asks, concerned, "he seemed like such a nice man."

"It's just a family thing, an issue with his sister."

"Well, I hope everything is ok. Give Cassian my love."

Hello my lovely readers,

This is the end of The Soul Mistake! I have absolutely loved writing this story. I've finished it in under a month which must be some kind of record.

You may think the last few lines are a strange ending but it's to set up the storyline for the series.

I have already planned out the sequel: The Love Recipe which will follow the story of Cassian and Belle.

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