Chapter 8

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A week and a half later, Cole and I find ourselves stood before a church dressed in wedding finery as Vivian orders the photographers to take the most candid and perfect wedding photos

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A week and a half later, Cole and I find ourselves stood before a church dressed in wedding finery as Vivian orders the photographers to take the most candid and perfect wedding photos.

News of our marriage was rumoured on tabloids, well I say our wedding, I mean Cole's marriage. Vivian told us that we had to act fast and release these photos to help Cole's image for the company.

"Smile!" Vivian demands as she taps her foot behind the photographer. "Duskana! Is that really the best you can do?"

Cole squeezes my hand tightly to protect me from his mother's bitter words.

Smiling, I look up at him and for once today, my smile is genuine and pure. Cole looks down at me and then bends to kiss my lips.

Time slows as his soft, warm lip meet mine in a gentle caress. He pulls me closer, his hands on my crystal embossed waist, and our lips move as one.

When Cole's lips pull back, I inch forward desperately for this moment to remain endless. Finally we both pull back and I look, flushed and excited back to the photographer who nods happily at his photos.

"That good enough for you, mother?" Cole spits out coldly and as soon as she nods her head, he drops my hand carelessly.

I realise, in that moment, that the kiss was just for show, for a good photo. In my stupidity, I forgot that this wasn't real, it was all a trick, a deception. I must make my feelings be deceptive, as Cole's are for me.

"Very good, Mr and Mrs Eros," Vivian speaks dismissively, "this will do just fine for the tabloids.

I realise once again in this situation, how much I hate this deceit and lies. Everything is fake, and I hate it. If it wasn't for my father, I would never have signed the damn contract, but I did and now I'm stuck here for two years.

Cole and I walk side by side into the limo, I'm still in my ridiculous wedding dress while Cole is in a deliciously fitted charcoal suit. We look like polar opposites, totally unsuited to one another; well I guess that bit is true.

"I'm sorry, Duskana, I know this isn't what you wanted." Cole finally speaks as we enter the penthouse, the early evening winter sun is setting behind the Chicago skyline making the lighting of the penthouse dim and intimate.

"I just want to help my father." I mumble as I stand subconsciously in my white dress. All I want to do is rip it off my body, but I can't, not while Cole is speaking to me.

Cole continues without mentioning my father, not that I can blame him, of course, it's a difficult situation to talk about.

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