Chapter 2

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Swallowing hard, I look down once again at the business card in my hand and check the address

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Swallowing hard, I look down once again at the business card in my hand and check the address. This is definitely the right place, but it's hard to believe when I look up at this expensive sky scraper and then down at myself.

I only had one outfit smart enough to wear for an interview- the dress my father brought me for my high school graduation. It's nearly ten years old now and fraying at the seams, but it's all I have.

Waking through the glass doors, I am immediately given a funny look by security who approach me, hands on the guns at their hips.

I freeze in terror as they glare at me, after a few seconds of silence I notice one of them is listening in on an earpiece surreptitiously plugged into his ear.

After even more terrifying seconds he finally sniffs out a nod and gives me one last look up and down before speaking.

"You may proceed to the elevator to the left ma'am, 31 floor."

I nod and press my palms down in the bottoms of my deep coat pockets to hide their tremor from prying eyes. Beginning to walk towards the elevators on the left, I freeze again as my pulse begins to spike- there are at least four different elevators and I'm worried if I make one mistake I'm going to end up with a bullet in my back.

My fingers find the business card in my pocket and I press my soft pads into the sharp corners until I feel a sting.

"Hey?" Someone calls out and I feel about ready to collapse from the anxiety I am feeling. All I keep reminding myself of is that with this job, maybe , just maybe I could help dad.

I spin around and see the other guard from a moment ago jogging across the entrance towards me. He has an easy smile on his face as he bounds over and I feel some of my anxiety begin to dissipate.

"You alright ma'am? You look about ready to collapse."

"Yes, I'm alright," I nod my head as I speak but even I wasn't convinced, "I'm just a bit new to all this." I gesticulate wildly to my surrounds to narrate my issue.

"Yeah," the man laughs lightly, "it can all be a bit intimidating at first. I'll help you, if you tell me why you're here."

"Oh ummm," I frantically dig around in my pocket and pull out the business card, "the man on here told me to come here for a job interview."

"Really?" The man's eyebrows fly up his forehead making me frown in self consciousness.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that..." he trails off, waiting for a name.

"Duskana," I mumble, shifting from foot to foot. "I'm actually a little late."

"Ah don't worry about that," he waves a hand dismissively, "if you follow me, I'll make sure you get where you need to go."

He begins to stride out towards one of the lifts with his long legs, I quickly scramble after him on my small legs. He reaches the door well before me, but he waits until I'm next to him before opening the door.

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