Chapter 11

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I hold Duskana's sleeping body in my arms as I climb out of the limo

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I hold Duskana's sleeping body in my arms as I climb out of the limo. After her panic attack, she wept in my arms, she fell asleep. Her body is exhausted from the strain of the attack.

I knew her father was close to her, I knew she loved him, I knew she wanted to save him, but I never could have imagined such a physical reaction would be caused by their questions.

"I'm so sorry, Duskana." I murmur as I carry her into the elevator. As soon as they started calling her name I should have put a stop to it, but it all happened so fast. One minute everything was fine, the next I heard her call my name and by the time I turned around she was on the floor.

I should have stopped it.

It's all my fault.

I gently lay her on the sofa, she's still sleeping, and grab a blanket to keep her warm whilst I call my lawyer. I'm going to solve the problems with her father, today.

Walking upstairs, I stand in the hallway so I can easily walk backwards to the top of the stairs and check on her.

I call my lawyer, Jeremy Lewis, and within a few seconds he picks up. It's part of his job, he's my legal support for everything, business contracts, PR mistakes, wedding contracts and now wrongful imprisonment.

"Mr Eros, sir, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes, Jeremy, I need you to come to my penthouse for a meeting at four o'clock this afternoon."

"Of course sir, may I ask what this meeting is regarding?"

"My wife's father is being held in prison awaiting trial for a crime he didn't commit. We need to stop it."

"Yes sir, I understand sir. Are you quite sure he's innocent?"

"Yes, Duskana says they wouldn't even listen to the fact he has an alibi and his boss set him up. I've had a cursory glance at the information and I conquer with what she was saying."

"I see sir."

"I need this fixed, Jeremy, treat this as you would if I was wrongly accused, do you understand me?"

"Yes, of course. After our meeting this afternoon, if everything you say is true, and substantiated with evidence, he'll be free by the end of the week."

I am hopeful at Jeremy's optimism. He's always brutally honest so if he's saying this already, I think there is a very real chance Duskana will be able to see her father free very soon.

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