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I miss my Damo sm.

As friends and not as friends, even though he was so full of himself that he never realized that I liked him.
But I miss him. I miss our friendship. He pretends like Im some new kid and he'll only talk to me because he's a 'social butterfly', he doesn't put me as one of his top 5 or 10 at least. He's just throwing those memories away. Because my parents aren't friends with your little huddle between Rosemary's mom, Gabby's mom, and your mom, LITERALLY DOESN'T MEAN SHIT. LITERAL JACK SHIT. We still had laughs together. ALL together. I dont care if you never liked me back. That isn't what mattered to me. I still loved you, platonically. I loved us, also platonically. But you only ever cared about Gabby. Gabby, Gabby, Gabby.

Gabby this, Gabby that.

What about me.
What about us.
The friendship, that didn't involve Gabby.
Only me, you, and Rose.

You only cared about Gabby when she never even liked you. She liked him. Too bad you had to see that. But I also had to see that. When you and Dario betted that you wouldn't ask 'the special lady' to the dance, and you guys made me think it was me, until you both walked out the room and my heart dropped, my smile faded. And you guys came back in the room, laughing, I had to smile, pretending like I wasn't hurt. When you asked me all these things about her.

"I like Gabby so much. I wanna ask her to the dance so badly. You think she'd say yes?"

That was the first time you had ever had a 'serious' talk with me besides texts.

It was about Gabby.

gabby, fucking gabby.

Everyone left me for you, Gabby. Isabella: Before 6th period she'd always be so friendly with me, and once it was 6th period, she saw you. Pretended like I didn't exist. Just walked right pass me. Like I was some ghost.  Rose: My dearest Rose. I can't make it in this world without you present in my life. Losing you feels like my whole world is gone. Ill defend you all the time. <3 My Rose can never be with me, publicly, because of you, Gabby. Because you want to be a pussy. Your scared about your parents finding out I talk to you, but you have no problem ratting out your 'best friend', my best friend, Rose. She walks home with you everyday. When it should have been me. You say you hate being left out? How about you think about how I feel everyday. Try, going to school late everyday, working alone in history, sitting all alone in lunch, only on your phone, staring at those who used to be your friends. Sitting alone in Art, and sitting at my empty table is used as a 'punishment', sitting alone in english, with a whole open table, 4 seats, 1 taken by you, the other 3, empty. Sitting in the back of the Math room, sitting near me is also a 'punishment'. And boom the end of the day.

Gabby. You have nothing to be afraid of. Your labeled as a pretty girl, a great volleyball player, you have a boyfriend, great relationship with your mom. And most importantly, you have my Rose. You have those that I thought cared about me.

Please don't take her from me.

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