that's so funny. :)

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reading these are always so funny seeing how much I changed, first I was an emo faggot. but with a happy life, minus all the "trauma" and wrist slitting. lmaoo, and then there was the suicidal social reject faggot phase which lasted during summer through like the beginning of November, and thennnn THERES SEXY ME ERA.

if im gonna be honest, not as happy as I was during my emo phase. but at least im not ugly and slit my wrists, I js wish I had my current friends and my old beaner friends even tho they were toxic but that's what made it fun and depressing :)

Minus gabby.

not sure I'd ever be able to forgive her, only would fake to be her friend if she ever lets rose and me to hang out (publiclly), don't wanna stress rose out tho. 

its funny tho, remember when I said. "Gabby, you have nothing to be scared of." THATS A FUNNY ONE-..

bitch you better watch yourself bc if you pull another one of my straws just from your existence and that scared pussy look u have whenever im around you and how u whisper, ill fucking give you something to be scared of. 

fucking scared of me because "I" posted videos of us when we were in like elementary, videos of my PRIVATE tt account and your PUBLIC tt account, and "exposing your address", LMAOOO bitch get atta here with that. Listen, I didn't do shit, ong, and you and rose posted that video of you guys PUBLICLY sharing your whole, full address,.. on her PUBLIC tiktok account. How, HOW TF AM I RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT SHIT? taking my friends from me over some dumb childish petty ass shit . 

your literally so blind you can't even tell that Im pulling the uno reverse card, and slowly getting Rose back. Damn, thought you would know that me and her always wind up back together. Aren't you her "best friend"? Even with those 4 eyes you can't fucking realize she's mine. LMAOOO, funny. 

Gn babes

^ hold on. babes? your not my babes.

KG - 13/19/22 



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