II. Peculiar New

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It started in the 3rd year of our friendship New and I started to get a little closer. It's the time I started going to New's condo.

"New, did you order delivery?"- Tay

He wasn't answering I guess he didn't hear me. So I went and answered the door.

"Delivery for Mr. Techaapaikun, payment has been made online. I just need your signature to confirm delivery."- Delivery guy

"Oh New's at the bathroom can I sign instead?"- Tay

" I'm sorry sir I need Mr. Techaapaikun's signature it's for confidential purposes." - Delivery guy

The guy eyed me up and down. I looked at him weirdly for doing that but he just shrugged at me and waved the pad at me.

"Okay, let me just get the pad and get New's signature" - Tay

What was so private about this delivery anyway. I went to the bathroom and knock on New. He looked at me awkwardly but went on with signing the pad he was still wet and showering.
I handed the pad back and the delivery guy handed me a black box.

"Sir, do tell Mr. Techaapaikun that delivery for the next month will be delayed as per production errors. We've already included additional supplies to cover it so additional payments will be deducted from his account. Also, do tell that Luke delivered it. Thank you have a good day!" - Delivery guy

The guy winked at me like the playboy he is but I just slammed the door at him for being annoying.

I was curious about the package, it's not that heavy but something is clinking inside like glass. It's a black box with a black ribbon on top. I wonder who will New give this to maybe his girlfriend. I know it's bad looking at other people's stuff but I can't help but get curious so I lifted the lid a little and saw red ampoules lined in red velvet cloths that looks expensive.

"So it arrived" - New

New mimicking a high-pitched voice he got from nowhere I was startled.
I suddenly shut the lid of the box. Acting as if nothing happened.

"Yeah, they said there will be delays in delivery next month and something like additional stuff and payment deducted from your account. Some douche bag named Luke delivered it and asked me to tell you, tsk." -Tay

I just said in a rush. He looked delighted he was still half-naked wearing only boxers shorts with a towel on his head and droplets of water from his hair. He opened the box, so it's not so private that he showed it to me. He lifted one that gleamed to the light and inspected it. It was blood red and somewhat silky inside the fluid is thick and made me think of blood. He was smiling from ear to ear.

" Oh Luke came by interesting" - New

He said almost a whisper but I heard it and did not pry any further.

"What is that? looks ominous to me, are you gonna give it to your girlfriend" -Tay

"Oh no it's for me, it's a beauty secret" - New

"Why do you drink weird stuff, you don't know if that is even safe, the man who delivered looked shady to me" - Tay

Winking at me and drinking the ampoule, As he gulped that red liquid I saw his small adam's apple bobbing up and down and trailed my eyes to his chest which I automatically turned my head away from. Hiding my already heating cheeks and I know I am blushing at the fact.

"Like what you see?" -New

"Stupid idiot get dressed!" -Tay

He just chuckled at me finding it so amusing to tease me like he always does. When New went to the room my eyes darted off to the empty ampoule on the table I sniffed it curious about its contents and it smells like some kind of irony more like herbally bloody smell. What the hell has been New drinking disgusting. I quickly threw the ampoule back in the box.

Today was movie night as per our routine every weekend so I was at New's place. We sat down on the couch ready to watch the movie I bought today.
New was acting all quiet and for some reason a bit distant.

"Hey, come here what's wrong are you all right?" - Tay

I motioned him to sit a bit closer, and he did but the air around him felt cold but I just shrugged it maybe the AC blasting too high for my liking.
Wrapping a blanket to his body he snuggled closer to me. We were already at the point where this much is just nothing new to us, we are best friends after all. What I find weird though and I just noticed was New's eyes it seemed a little bit red. At a glance even when I'm not looking at it directly. I was looking at the tv screen and saw his reflection, it kinda creeped me out a little bit with his gleaming red eyes.

"Uhm, New? are you okay? - Tay

"Yeah, why?" - New

He turned to me but his eyes are black maybe I'm just seeing things.
So I went back to watching while he snuggled closer to me. I didn't know but at some point, I fell asleep.

I woke up the tv is already off and New is nowhere to be found it was still night 3 am to be exact so I headed to the bathroom to pee, it was unusually cold and creepy at his condo the lights were all off. I went past his bedroom then I saw it slightly opened I did a turn back to look for him and saw New sitting at his bed his back facing me he was shirtless. I don't know what he was doing but it's silent and he's just sitting still facing the wall. I stood there for a couple of minutes and decided to call him but stopped myself when he moved to stand and face the mirror. He lifted his arms and he was holding something like a knife and slitting his arms. I panicked and instantly went to his side.

"New!!! what are you doing that's dangerous don't hurt yourself!!" -Tay

"What the Tay?! you scared me what the hell" - New

When I looked around it was bright his room already had lights on and his arm had no mark of slash or blood and I was gripping it tightly what he was holding was a comb. He looked at me with peculiar eyes like something was funny and smirking.

Staring at him was like him seeing my soul and stripping me naked I felt chills. He tapped my shoulder with his cold hands.

"I think you should get back to sleep Tay, are you still dreaming it's just 3 am rest you are tired." - New

"Ugh, yeah I guess so"-Tay

Still confused at what I saw, it felt so real. I looked at his arms again and it was clean. So I guess I'm just dreaming?it puzzled me.

"You can sleep here Tay, sleep tight. Good night" - New

He tucked me in bed hushing me like a baby, with his soothing voice it was like hypnotizing me to sleep and I dozed off again.


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