XXXI. A Lulling Memory

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From this point onwards will always be Tay's point of view, we will see through his thoughts throughout New's endeavor.


I woke up feeling the cold breeze of November slipping past through the open window glass of our veranda.
The curtains sway greeting a morning with calmness and the sun rays passing its white see-through fabric.
When I turned to my left to greet the person I would like to wake up my morning with, it was empty. The side of the bed was unruffled having no signs of someone sleeping in it.
I was alarmed was it all just a dream, that New came back?

"No, Hin" -Tay

I sprung up to my bed to search for him frantically trying so hard to hold back the tears that were starting to build up. I raked my hair grabbing it maybe waking me up to the real thing with New in it.
I went out of the bedroom straight for the living room when I found nobody was there.
My mind was in chaos my breath erratic, am I having panic attacks? Yes, I think I want to have that right now.

"Fuckin' shit!"- Tay

I muttered under my breaths praying silently this was all not real.

"Te..." - New

I turned around and he was there in flesh in blood in all of his amazing glory. Relief washed over my face.

"Fuck?! New no please don't do that. I might die earlier than you, please don't just disappear all of a sudden" - Tay

"Wha... I'm sorry I'm sorry love, I was just making breakfast for you. Sorry"- New

He went closer and cupped my face giving me a peck.
I brushed my thumb beside his eyes.

"Your eyes?brown?"- Tay

"Like it? Its contacts, my eyes are... Well, they're still black. I don't want to scare you uhmm...let's just make breakfast just uhm wait It'll be finished in no time" - New

He looked down and turned around surely avoiding the topic and making up lame excuses but before he could get away I grabbed his wrists and pulled him to my chest hugging him tightly.

"You feel my heartbeat?"- Tay

"Uhm ye..ah?Tay?"- New

"Its fast right almost going out of my chest, that's the effect you got on me whenever I see you it's not because I was scared, It's because you are the most beautiful ever in my sight makes me wanna stop breathing for a sec, so please don't think you will scare me I was never scared of you"- Tay

"Stupid, aren't you just scared I was not here? And tell me that after you've got clothes on you, you are not as convincing as you sound wearing only a boxer hugging me in the middle of the living room" - New

"And you just have to ruin it Hin"- Tay

Rolling my eyes at him, still I can see his ears turn a bit tad red and that's the good response I am aiming for.

"Thought you'd like your fiance walking around with just this, I guess I was wrong"- Tay

While holding my hands up in the air in surrender. He smiled at me and take a few steps back.

"Have some decency idiot, especially with that" - New

He was laughing and I looked down, oh shit! My morning wood is evident on my boxers.

"Ai Hin!! right I'll just grab some clothes" - Tay

As I walk past him hearing him chuckle and all makes me smile, yes he is back it's like the normal days we had just a few bickers here and there,
When I went back breakfast was already served two coffees and two servings of bacon, pancakes, and eggs.
We happily ate our share him filling me out on things for the past months he had been gone.
Finding out that he had been with Off the whole time had given me relief, but then.

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