i.A. First Meeting

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Off. Tay.New


"Young Master are you sure about this well, you are auditioning to be an actor and... " - Luke

"So that is why I am auditioning, I need to learn human emotions" - New

"Ah erm... Why don't you just take classes for that?"- Luke

"I just feel something good and interesting could happen besides I don't intend to pass anyway. You could just audition instead of me Luke" - New

"Ah no New, maybe not that's not for me" - Luke

So we went over the crowding halls to look for registration. When I caught a whiff of nostalgic scent, wood and rosemary its smell is so distinct, that I just need to look sideways to know the person or vampire.
But when I turned around it was gone.
That's odd they masked their scent right away.

"Luke keep your senses open someone is here" - New

"Yes young master"- Luke

Luke was a classmate of mine at the university and slash my bodyguard but we were rarely seen together and this time is those rare ones.
I was a student at the faculty of engineering studying electrical engineering, and Luke studying veterinary which was far-fetched from his character. He does like animals.
I finished my registration and then went on my way when that annoying scent of wood and rosemary hit me again as fast as my reflexes go, I pulled out a dagger from my leg and swing it to the open air making sure it hit the target.

There was a groan but when Luke went to it the person was gone. And we are sure that it is a vampire since it had escaped that quickly and judging by how it masked its scent.


"Fucking hell!!! damn that vampire is too fast. What is that fuckers problem!!" - Off

If I haven't dodged a millimeter I'd have lost my eye, resulting in me falling through the thorny bushes.

"Wait till I get you, you putrid smelling lavender and fucking honey, too sweet to my liking. What a bad day!!!Aahhggh!!"- Off

I was just minding my own business sneaking in to register for auditions, a friend referred me. Damn, I shouldn't have that excuse of being shunned by my parents and acting like a poor soul so that nobody notices me. But damn that backfired in a second they thought I needed a job and signed me up and since it was a senior's idea how could I refuse?
But I think that I will not be chosen so thinking that I just went and registered myself.
But my luck for the day has gone out since I met another of my kind and this one seems strong and territorial.
But then again I can fend off myself for nothing. They call me Off for a good reason.

"OFF with the head!", because I can behead you in seconds.

"Just you wait you prick" - Off


Who would've known the line would be this long but then again I don't have a problem with that since people are making way for me.
Although I'd hear incessant whispers and mutters asking if I am The Vihokratana heir.
I also hear my mother's name such gossip never fazed me anyway.
At the side of my eye I saw a boy around my age, his skin as white as snow. Wow, how can anyone be this white?

"Cute" - Tay

He was also being eyed by the crowd although I think he is oblivious to it.

Anyway, I have got to finish this and return to class, I hurriedly made my way to the forms and filled them all up once I knew the form I had filled that I gave to the head of registration to avoid mistakes and leakage of my info.

3rd Person Pov

The day of the auditions came and the three went in for screening. As though fate had decided the meeting of the three they were seated next to each other. Off, Tay, New in their respective order. Although Off and Tay had a few words with each other New was fairly quiet minding his own business.
They were asked to do a hosting monologue each and acted upon it. The rest of it was some basic information that needs to be settled after the auditions were done.

Off followed New to the empty halls, New was walking alone and in a swift movement he got behind New but before Off can touch his collar to grab him, New turned to kick him in his left side gut. He tumbled a few meters back to the wall but landed on his knees pressing the floor to stop his movement and eventually stopped before he would collide with the wall.
Off hissed looking at New.

New stood arrogantly in his cold demeanor looking down on Off.

"Not bad, not bad at all" - New

"Techaapaikun, how could I not notice? You were hiding here huh?"- Off

Off being instantly slammed at the wall, one hand on his collar the other hand slammed on the wall beside Off's face, their breaths mingled in the air and New's face scrunched up with the sudden hit of that wood and rosemary scent Off was emitting. He gave a low growl making Off shiver in delight unexpectedly the latter was calm and just staring at New. Off staring at how New moved his lips to talk, mesmerized by those red tinted lips and the mole on New's nose.

"I know what you're thinking, but it's too early for that" - New

New licked his lips and bit the sides knowing Off staring at it. And whispered to his ears with his cold breath that made the other run shivers on his spine.

"Adulkittiporn what a surprise"- New

Then he kneed Off in his stomach that made him knelt on the ground, though it may not hurt for him since he's a vampire the impact of New's force was too much for him.

Off snickered to New, standing up dusting his crumpled uniform and straightening it up. He then raised his arms in the air in surrender.

"I meant no harm, I just wanted to know who nearly made me lose an eye yesterday. Turns out it was the young master. I am sorry" - Off

Off scoffed without hiding his mocking tone to New which the latter found interesting. Luke then went to New's side informing him of people coming thru the halls.

"I'll see you around Adulkittiporn, I like you, you're amusing" - New

New looked at him with interest his eyes gleaming with delight like he found a new toy.
Off raising his eyebrows found New interesting as well, he heard stories from the head coven that New was a cold person but it doesn't seem like it to him.
Before New walked away he gave a curt bow.

"I'm Off at your service Young Master" - Off

"New you can call me New" - New

New turned around and looked back again with an innocent smile on his face one that mistakes him as a harmless person and then he walked off.

" Cute but violent... " - Off

Off found an interesting person and a Techaapaikun at that. He would soon know that he would be in trouble.

Meanwhile, Tay just walked on the exchange with Off standing there and New walking away.

"Oh, Off? I thought you went back to class?"- Tay

"I just bumped into a friend, I was just going back. Let's go together hmm?"- Off

"Okay, but what happened to your uniform, it's dirty?"- Tay

"Oh that, somebody's foot just decided to step on me today instead of stepping on the floor. Hehehe" - Off

"Are you a masochist why do you sound like you liked it" - Tay

Tay eyeing Off judging him already for his weird taste. He already had a goofy grin and then a weird taste at that Tay is already having second thoughts about befriending Off already.

"I mean, I could be If he could step on me while smiling like that. hahaha ain't it cute hahahahahaha he's the one after all..." - Off

Off scratching his head as they walked through the corridors straight to their classes.

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