VIII. The Young Master

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The smell of blood and musty earth surround the area. It is minutes till dawn, panting were vampires tired of the night's work.
A day's rest will come ahead.
The young master sat atop the edge of the railing in a building donned in a black outfit and tight leather guard. His back facing the rising sun as he is busy playing with his Ipad like it was the holiest picture you can ever imagine added with his handsome features.
His hair is tinted white at the edges, his skin white as snow sparkling from the sun that's slowly appearing on his back, his lips in a fine line almost purplish. Except for the bloodied sword leaning on the side of his legs, with blood smeared under his boots. He looked ethereal.

You will start to imagine how he manage to stay spotless with blood on his clothes while the others had stains and drips on them. The hunting hours just passed.
The butler that was out of place beside him gave him his water. The picture seems dreamy yet eerie in a sense. As New eyes his surroundings after fiddling with his Ipad, his eyes red and gleaming with delight as he thought of something sneaky again.

Young Master New rarely shows his face to the public at family gatherings, people knew him because he is a famous actor. If it was me I'd say that the Techaapaikun young master and Newwiee you see on tv screens are two different people I'd agree, but they are not because it is the same person. He was rather very odd, people and vampires alike always wondered why he chose to be onscreen in fact baffled when he first started his acting career. Calling him eccentric and crazy. He was an heir to a billion empire yet he is working as an actor very far from his heir image. Some did think that Newwiee onscreen was just a look alike.
Newwiee onscreen would smile endless, and be cute and fluffy to people like the innocent child he likes to portray.
While New the young master was cold and ruthless, everyone that would try to approach him would just be ignored or if he is in a bad mood would be sent flying to the other side from whichever that person came from.

Thus he earned a new title from that the demon in an angel's clothing, two-faced demon, the devil within, and so on. Even the monster head.
The looks of him bored and just sitting there minding no one he looked angelic but awhile back hunting just looking at him makes you feel like he is bringing hell unto the lands.

Running like a madman through the alleys and streets chasing vampires that went mad and hiding. Swinging his sword like there's no tomorrow. He almost killed one of his security personnel when he missed the rogue and threw his sword just beside the cheek of one of his allies and all he said was :

" My bad I guessed I missed" -New

And he was laughing as well. That security was new after all. They were already briefed that they should be extra careful of the young master but I guess some didn't take it to heart because they are allies with him.
It was always a rule to be at a safe distance when they are with New. Like had always reminded them that it is better to die from rogue than die accidentally from the young masters' hands. Then he would laugh at the newbies saying good luck. It was never the rogues one should be careful of, it was New you should be aware.

The young master was never preyed on even by the elders in front of him he was always the hunter, he is one of the strongest in terms of physical prowess and he has a great thinking mind his only flaw is his eccentric personality and his crazy. One minute he is calm and another minute he would be lashing his madness out.

The night he broke his phone.
They were on the outskirts of Chiang Mai, receiving a report of several rogues camping in a forest. So with the young master and head security Sir Luke they were able to pin the location and raid the building.

All was going smoothly as the rogues lined up in their kneeling position begging for them to be spared and it seems that the young master was not in the mood so we finished up quickly just as we were about to pick those that will be rehabilitated and those that will be cut off.
A rogue that was begging for mercy that will be cut off grabbed the young master's leg which resulted in him dropping his phone to the ground which was stepped on by another rogue who imitated the first one.

Sir Luke who immediately tore off the rogues from New's leg was slightly nervous and some of us were wondering why.
While New was still rooted in place looking at the skies like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Luke who stepped away for a moment grabbed New's phone from the ground and handed it over to the butler that accompanied us and motioned us to get a few feet away from the young master.
They were all puzzled by the act which is confusing for the new ones.

"It's starting again" - Luke

As he sighs lighting the cigarette a few feet apart from New. Leaning on the tree finding it amusing to see New do his crazy again.


We were stunned at the young master's outburst. He yelled like it was the end of the world.


That night no rogue came out of the building alive even those picked for rehabilitation. That incident was already buried in the ground. That was the first time the neat and clean young master was covered in blood, eyes bloodshot red with blue veins bulging from his skin. And white hairs that seemed to appear at the ends of his jet black hair were visibly eating up all of his remaining black ones.

He was raging swinging his sword all over the place like he wants to kill us all as well. If not for the butler that said his grandpa was calling him he wouldn't stop.
His phone with cracks in it was returned to him and he pocketed it inside his jacket like it was the most precious thing on earth. Swinging his sword removing the blood that clung to it and throwing it to Luke for him to keep.
He was done and he walked like nothing happened sighed and then smiled again. But this time that smiles of his didn't reach his eyes it was cold and eerie adding up to his bloodied face. All he said was.

"I need a shower, filthy.. "- New

There were whispers in the clan the next day that Tay he was about was his human best friend. Some didn't believe it as the cold and ruthless young master would have a friend, they were speculating that he was only using the human as his cover to act more normal in some ways or as a shield a plaything.

Everyone who witnessed that night kept their mouths sealed afraid that the young master would land them his judgment.
For the rest of the hunting season days, everyone was tensed it was nerve-wracking because after that night the young master was agitated and restless. Hence he vented out all his frustration to hunting, we didn't even do a thing Sir Luke had advised us just to observe and if something slips up. We take action which did not happen for the young master wiped everything clear from the moment he stepped inside the building till he came out.
And every time he tosses a head of the vampire to Luke which the latter just avoids and jokes around with New it lightens the atmosphere a bit.
Disgusting as it looks the poor head would soon be stepped on or rather roll around somewhere for good.

They just ended up cleaning the gruesome scene that New would leave. He brutally kills in a way that parts would be flying everywhere, they were trained to get used to this since young but it was on a whole different level if the young master decides to torture and scream for the rest of the night.

Sometimes he would play in front of a tied up rogue and would sing songs in front of him like teaching them to harmonize screaming for the night, it was painful to the ears since vampires had a very sensitive hearing but he enjoyed it to the core, he would laugh like the devil he is. Like and the butler would just shake their heads in defeat no one can stop his antics so they would just try to go along with him.

The young master was truly something. Someone not to be meddled with.




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