iii. First Kill

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New was 7 a young promising vampire at an age where his emotions and skills are honed.

He was barely at the top of the chain with his weak physic.
The kid would always be alone playing at their Techaapaikun mansion.

One day he decided to explore the nearby forest.
Without anyone noticing he snuck out.
That day the precious young master turned the mansion upside down, everybody was scared because he was nowhere to be found.
It was already late in the evening when he came back dirty and disheveled.

He had fun running around the sunflower field he found and splashing water on the river next to it, he didn't mind that he was a tad bit late because he was happy.

While humming he came back to a quiet mansion. It seemed odd that everybody was in the halls.

"Look who decided to show up?"- Henley

Henley Techaapaikun standing in front of the mansion servants kneeling in front of him.

New was a little boy, he was scared of his domineering father, and his mother was just sitting on a couch sipping wine as if nothing mattered.

To New, his mother was cold towards him and never treated him like a son. As he walked past the servants he could see their faces of worry lighten up a bit seeing him but it was laced with fear he wondered why.

Then he saw his nanny upfront Pei.
Pei Panward who took good care of him since he was a baby. She loved him like he was her own son how she doted on the little Techaapaikun boy.

She was smiling sweetly still kneeling on the ground with a tear-stained face. Immediately New went to her for a hug which the latter complied.

" Pei Pei... Why are you crying?"- New

New with doe eyes wondered the little boy knew something was up and it hurt him to see his beloved nanny cry.

"Because somebody went out and got lost, Nanny Pei was so worried. Don't ever do that again okay?"- Pei

Pei wiped his dirtied face of New and smiled brightly.

" Pathetic!!"- Maria

New's mom snickered and the hurt look of Pei became evident on her face, she hurt for her young master. Who look down in shame.

" You know that you get punished for doing that right young boy?"- Henley

Little New bit knowing just nodded tears forming in his eyes he knew his punishment could be flogging or being locked up again for weeks.

"Since you are already 7 let's speed up the process of your first kill"- Henley

At that New knew what was going on, then he felt a warm palm on his shoulder it was Pei.

" It's going to be alright New, everything would be okay"- Pei

He was then dragged by his father upfront and made him face the servants. With eyes looking at him fondly he knew he was loved. But that soon shattered with his father's next words.

" You have to be a good boy and punish the servants for their mistakes, remember everything you do causes a lot of consequences since you are to become the next head"- Henley

New nodded teary-eyed, oh how the servant's hearts broke at how he was treated by his parents.

"you must kill them all right now, I'll be watching"- Henley

With that Henly joined Maria sitting on the couch.
The servants one by one never faltered they must know how everything was going down. But their hearts broke for their poor young master who is forced to do such cruel things.

The sword which New inherited weighed a ton that night, each servant voluntarily went up to him to be killed with smiles on their faces saying that it was their honor to be their young master's first kill.

One by one they all fell, one by one New's heart broke.

His pastry chef who baked his favorite goodies and sweets that he'd snuck for him whenever the young master gets punished fell before his sword. Blood splattered on his face.

The boy same age as his who was the son of the horse keeper smiled at him with a missing tooth as he said he'll see him to the next lifetime asking him to take him where he had gone that day because he seemed so happy today smiled at him and then he fell as well.

Mr. Honey the butler of the mansion whom he calls Honey gramps, with his white hair and gentle eyes looked very fondly at him fixing his young master's collar before positioning himself in front of him, he will miss those honeyed earl grey tea he would prepare just for him patted him on the head with that he fell.

The gardener who was also grumpy was not grumpy at all today he was smiling sweetly his beard bounced on his chest. He doesn't smile so good but tonight it was the sweetest thing New saw, he fell in front of him.

One by one blood splattered ...

One by one they all fell ...

One by one New broke ...

One by one a tear fell ...

Then on to the last one, he cried ...

It was Pei ...

Oh, how he loved that nanny dearly who showed him love like she was his real mother.

Pei was smiling but she has tears staining her pretty face.

" It is okay New, my love ... Everything will be okay."- Pei

He hugged that little fragile boy's body as New clung to her like he never wanted to let go. He cried he sobbed his tears uncontrollably falling from his eyes.

"Son"- Henley

He flinched for he knew what was about to happen.

" I would love it more than to die in your hands, you know nanny Pei loves you right? I will always always be here."- Pei

As Pei pointed to his nonexistent heart.

"So don't cry my sweet love, be brave and we will meet someday okay?"- Pei

New just nodded he understood what Pei meant and Pei smiling closed her eyes as she fell as well. Head rolling her blood on New's hands.

One by one they all crumbled and vanished into thin air.

It was long after Henley and Maria left New at the halls.

The child still standing killed 35 servants he loved dearly, cried, and kneeled on the bloodstained floor.
He was crying his heart out or if he has one. Every memory he shared every sweet one gone because of his foolishness.

That night the young master changed with his black bloodied sword, he went out of the halls cold and cruel. His eyes are empty with no emotion left. His tear-stained face was no more but a bloodied one.

New was never the same.

Henley who was watching from afar snickered with delight as he was successful in turning his only son into a brutal monster.




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