XIV. Meeting the Techaapaikun's II

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After lunch we decided to walk through the gardens, Tay being serious about this vacation-like day urge me to wear Hawaiian polo shirts which, I don't usually wear but how can I say no to that excited kid telling me pink floral prints suit me because of my white skin.

"Hin trust me pink, it compliments your pale color you will look lively okay then we'll take pictures." - Tay

"Aaaiii teeee they will laugh at me I don't wear these and pink??? why can't it be white"- New

"New! What use would be the floral pattern if it would just white?! you should've worn a white shirt then"- New

"But flowers Teeeeeeeee" -New

"Hin do this na please, it's just one time okay trust me you look good in everything, I swear you and your boring taste in clothes" -Tay

Do I have a choice, actually I do not mind at all. I just enjoyed teasing him and his remarks never fails to make me smile. I never get bored when I'm with him.

"Hin!! What are you spacing out for we don't have all day." - Tay

Seeing Tay walking back and forth to his bag and all over the place. His opened blue Hawaiian shirt and white shorts. His camera hanging on his neck with only one sandal on his feet the other god knows where it is he is frantically looking for. I could watch him all day.

"Tay it's on the door" - New

"What?"- Tay

"The other sandal haha" -New

"Why'd you just tell me now!"-Tay

He ruffled his hair frustratingly and sighed.
Then he dragged me outside walking towards the garden, I stopped midway and turned him around with his annoyed face looking at me. I rolled my eyes and buttoned his open shirt just leaving 2 buttons down.
Scratching his head mumbling thanks to me. I just chuckled at his clumsiness fixed his messy hair and held his hand as we walked the garden.

Like an excited kid with his camera Tay was all over the place taking shots of everything he sees. Sometimes turning to me to take candid shots of me.
The butler seemed to like him as well as he answers everything Tay asks about the flowers and plants.
I turned to a corner and saw the white roses still there blooming perfectly, these were the roses I tended back then and was still here.

I reached for the half-bloomed roses and felt the petals of the roses, hearing some continuous shots being taken.
When I feel lonely back then I always go here talking to the roses. Then I picked one rose, seeing Tay still taking shots of me while I was walking towards him.
Then I blocked the lens with the rose.

"For you Love"- New

"Thank you Hin" - Tay

He lowered his camera grabbed the rose and spread his arms motioning me to come to him and hug him. I did as I was told, and we hugged for quite some time.

"I wish I could be together with you like this New, all the time" - Tay

"We could stay like this, do you want to run away with me" - New

"Running away is not an option New, facing this together is what we'll do, I just hope your grandparents will like me" - New

"I'm sure they will" -New

"What about your parents .. " - Tay

"They can't say a thing anyway whether they like it or not... It's you that matters" -New

We're just staying still, hugging even if the butler and the helpers were a few feet from us. We didn't care, we were just in our world.

" I'll never let you go" - New

He cupped my face making it face him and he looked into my eyes.

"Who said something of letting go?"- Tay

He scrunched and pinch my cheek then flicked my forehead.

"Where did you get those silly ideas, stop or I'll kiss you in front of them" -Tay

" I dare you" -New

Thinking Tay wouldn't but the next thing I knew he pecked a kiss on my lips and licked my nose. He did it to tease me. Then he was laughing and backed away from me and clicked his camera for a shot.

"This shot will be priceless" -Tay

Waving his camera in the air.

"Taaaayyyy you, delete that!! heeyyyy" -New

I was reaching for his camera when he ran away and I ran after him. We were like kids laughing and running after each other in the garden.

"Wait till I get you, you will not be laughing but moaning in bed!"-New

"Hahaha oho language NEEWWW!!!THITIPOOMM!!haha" -Tay

"Ugh I hate you, you sounds like the damn butler!teee!!"-New

He was just laughing all over I was laughing as well. Till we dropped and laid to the grass panting. I slapped him on his shoulders.

" I've never laughed this much today" - Tay

"me too me too thanks Tay" -New

I reached for his hand and held them tight. He smiled at me mouthing I love you's and I did the same.

These were the moments I wished would never end. In the back of my mind, I still had worries that made me think of things but that was for another day as long as Tay was here with me, everything will be alright. I will be alright.
Looking at the blinding sun and this man's face. I caught my sun I would never let it go.

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