XX. My Hin

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It's been a few months since Hin let it all out to me, every day I'm still loving him more and more all the insecurities that he had built I can crush down bit by bit.

He still my Hin, heck if anyone who faced those kinds of situations would lose control over their minds.
He is one hell of a rock to me which reminds me how lucky I am to wake up every morning.

Him beside me half naked with the white sheets draped on his body, almost half of his ass sticking out. He is sleeping lying face down on his stomach as the sun hits those broad white muscular shoulders. His face facing to my side those plump lips half open wait it's pinkish.
I suddenly touched my neck oh yeah we had one rough night he just bit me, and it had become a regular basis. Sometimes I'd feel like I was his food.

But anything for him, I would just love to kiss those lips all day.
I touched the ends of his hair, I am always fascinated how it turns to white every time and now it is getting black. I played with the strands of his hair, he was always this breathtaking. I think I am the luckiest there is to be with him even if we had our differences. His lips curved up with a smile but his eyes are still closed. I knew he was not sleeping its a constitution thing that keeps them up.

"You know I'm not really sleeping right, Tay? You ogling me early in the morning is just ugh... And that energetic person down there" - New

New opened his eyes rolling at me. I blushed his mention of my person down there getting hard. I just chuckled. As I scoot closer to him.

"I didn't know you'd complain though, I know you liked it do I even need to ask" - Tay

As I hovered on top of him grinding my hard onto his back. Kissing his shoulders marking them all over. With new ones over the marks, I made last night. It was like a blank sheet of paper with pretty flowers drawn to it.

"Te as much as I want to we have work and were going to be late." - New

"aawwww just a quick one, Hin I'm suffering here" - Tay

"Your suffering has nothing to do with me, Te! get off" -New

New pursing his lips but I knew all too well this man is trying hard not to smile at my advances to him.

"You have everything to do with this, you are the only one who makes me feel like waking without seeing you is dreadful. You are making me crazy. Aiii Hiinnnnnn naa naa" - Tay

"You horndog I swear you have much more stamina than any vampire!"- New

"Should I get annoyed at you comparing me to your past flings or be proud to be on top of them? You choose bed or bathroom?" - Tay

"What the?! Do I even have the choice to say no?"- New

"Bathroom it is!"-Tay

"Teee!!I swear for the love of god! you are never satiated" - New

"er, coz' I can't get enough of you now up you go" -Tay

I carried him with his legs wrapped around my waist and slowly entered him making a few grunts and moans as we made our way to the bathroom. He was still soft from what we did last night and still, he is so good for me. I think I'm really just going insane.
And just that we continued on sex and bathing.

Just like nothing happened except for my fresh bite mark stinging which I have gotten used to now, two fresh bite marks on the crook of my neck hidden at the collars of my shirt.
We made breakfast and made our way to New's company to drop him off. It was routine for us.
He was about to get out when I held him down and pecked for a kiss.

"My parents are back from the US, mom wants to meet you already were coming this weekend" - Tay

"But they already met me at a banquet a few months back" - New

"That was when were still best friends, but you are my boyfriend now that's different." - Tay

"Okay alright, I'll clear the weekend. Love you" - New

"I love you too"- Tay

And then he's off, I saw Singto flinching again greeting New and waving to him and he smiled as awkwardly all the time. Luke was just there as always standing with a stoic face about to follow New inside.

What a trio, vampires they're all the same to me. It is just their special constitution but they are still human to me. I can only categorize 2 types of vampires around New a nervous vampire and a stoic vampire. Either way, they could be like a Singto or a Luke to New.

Thinking that as I drove off the premises.
Excited for weekends to come.


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