III. OffNew

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I was never satisfied I guess it never satiated my desire. Out of all the days that Tay had chosen to do a movie marathon was the day that I was thirsty. Thirsty for sexual contact not for blood since just drank an ampoule and we had a bloodletting a few days ago.

Watching Tay sleep on my bed I was standing at the edge, contemplating if it would be a good reason to just snuggle up to him or call someone. Although his scent calmed me it was not enough, I needed more.

It was already 3 am and I am quite frustrated I changed my mind and dialed Off hoping Gun is not with him.
After a few rings, he answered.

"Where are you?"- Off

"Oho, you already know why I called?"- New

"You never called past 3 am for something else but that, so?"- Off

"I am at home, Tay is here I'll go to you"- New

"okay make it quick we don't have much time"- Off

"Okay, darling hehe" - New
"tsk!" - Off

I was snickering eyeing Tay if he is still sleeping, Putting on a shirt and some jogging pants. Quickly grabbed my keys and went out.

I arrived at Off's house he is living alone in a big house. Why Off is living in a big house well he loves to party so this much is good for him. I already know the passcode and went straight inside. Somebody grabbed me from behind I knew already who it is.
He kissed my nape and bit it slowly with fangs grazing my skin which send shivers to my spine.

"Took you long enough"- Off

"Does Gun even know you are like this oho, papiiiiii" - New

"Ew sounds disgusting coming from you tsk!" -Off

He was already lifting my shirt up feeling me up all over. I moaned to his touch. You might be surprised but this is practically normal for us to relieve our urges if I may say so. We are not in a relationship whatsoever we are friends, friends with benefits or you can say vampires with benefits. Off is also one of my kind the moment I met him I knew from his smell at first we didn't bother each other. But because of Tay, we became a little close though we always kept a safe distance between us, at times we do things like this.

I faced him and hugged my hands on his shoulders.

"Bite me darling" - New

"Do you even have to ask?" - Off

I hissed at the sudden pain Off gave me but the tinge of pleasure suddenly overwhelmed me. He gives the best aphrodisiacs, you see a bite of a vampire either gives you euphoria or pain depending on the vampire that will bite you, and the feeling he is at the moment transfers to you.

As he licks the area he bit we fumbled over to his bed and he was on top of me removing his shirt. I changed our position and sat on him. He was caressing my thighs and his other hand pressed on my waist.
I dove in for a kiss we shared a hot passionate kiss moaning and grunting in between. The heat and arousal emitting in the air already blocking our senses in his room. I trailed my tongue on his neck which made his head bend backward with pleasure I bit his neck and dug my fangs a little too deep.

"Ugh, too deep Newww mmmm" -Off

"But you liked it, especially when I do this" - New

I bit him several times in different parts of his body. Him moaning and writhing in pleasure, he always tells me my aphrodisiac is sweet and tempting to him. Trailing down sucking his inner thigh. Eventually swirling my tongue on his hardened member. Bobbing my head up and down until his release.

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