XIII.Meeting the Techaapaikun's

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I made a call to my grandfather a few days before the incident at the office. Now the next day is the scheduled dinner with Tay and my grandparents. I was never nervous until now, I never felt like this I think I preferred hunting more than this nerve-wracking situation.

"New? What's wrong you're all sorts today. Are you sick?"- Tay

We were on a couch at my condo it was after dinner we were just checking out work for tomorrow so both of us are on either laptop or Ipad.

"No I'm alright, what makes you think so?"- New

"Well your laptop screen says so, It's already turned off but you are staring at it so much you didn't even notice"- Tay

"Huh oh haha I didn't realize"- New

"Newww... what is it? are you hiding something from me??"- Tay

"No nothing of the sort,"- New

"Then what is it? c'mon spill it before I lose my patience"- Tay

"Well, don't be mad okay"- New

"What?? Are you cheating on me now??"- Tay

"What NOOOO!!"- New

"Then what is it"- Tay

"Well I'm bringing you to Chiang Mai the day after tomorrow, we'll have dinner at my grandparent's house and I'll introduce you to them, it's just dinner nothing else okay, please say you'll go, I've been meaning to tell you sooner but I didn't know how I was so nervous as hell for the whole week I didn't know how to break it to you I ah... Tay... I was j..."- New

He stopped me from talking.

"New breath inhale-exhale slowly, alright okay I'm going" -Tay

"Really??? you'll go?"- New

"Yes yes I'll go"- Tay

I hugged him tight if it was this easy I should've asked him sooner. What the hell was all the week pulling hair for. I'm such an idiot. I kissed his head and went back to my work again with all smiles on my face.


I know I agreed to go, but the hell now I am the nervous one now. It's meeting the in-laws now I am going to be officially in New's life. I wonder what is the situation at their home. I heard he is not on good terms with his parents. His grandparents raised him I wonder what kind of people they are, should I be scared I'll be going to a house full of vampires but I have New I have nothing to fear. Should I inform my parents maybe I'll give them a call tomorrow?

I was excited about knowing New's world at the same time nervous about what if they disapproved of me because I am human and a man at that as well. Like having issues with heirs or something, What the fuck Tay why are you thinking so far ahead. The problem is now.

Looking at New now he is different way back aloof and cold but now when he's with me he seems more human heck I can't even tell if he really is a vampire sometimes he always whines about things and makes a fuss of small things. Which I find cute indeed, who can resist that smile no one.


My parents were a little worried about me going to the Techaapaikun's, they insisted they want to come as well but I told them that I am not going there for New's hand in marriage yet. Meeting New's grandparents of course I am nervous as hell, what if they don't like me what would I do. New assured me that I just need to bring myself and that's all that matters.
We were already in the 4th year of this relationship we are now openly showing affection to each other I should be prepared for this a long time ago but it still gets me.
Maybe after this, I'll get New to meet my parents as well.

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