XXIV. Blood Oath

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In the middle of the party, we were all called to Por's study.
It was a room only families were allowed to and a few were chosen.
There were my parents, New's grandparents, New's parents at the far corner with a disdain look on his father, Off with a glass of champagne on his hand chilling at one of the couches, Luke standing by the door with a stiffened expression and another unfamiliar person which is walking straight to us.

He slung his arms to New which irritated me to the core, who is this arrogant man?

"Newwiee awwww you didn't even warn me, I'm so hurt" - Joss

New just scoffed and flung his arms away if it was a regular human he would be swatted to the wall in a second. He looked hurt and dramatically rubbed his shoulders.

"Beat it" - New

"Am I a dog, why do you always treat me like that" - Joss

"You are a dog" - New

New with full of disgust written on his face turn to him.

" You are?" - Tay

"Oh!sorry you were there, I didn't even notice you, Joss New's fiance or was his fiance. I guess you're the new thing" - Joss

As soon as those words left his mouth the temperature in the room dropped and I felt shivers down my spine.

"You will not disrespect my mate infront me Joss Wayar Sangngern"- New

New has his bright red orbs staring holes at the asshole. I held new shoulder to stop him from doing something. Because of the commotion almost all of the people in the room stood up even Luke was already on my side like he was trying to protect me.

"Dear, calm down you know Joss that's normal." - Mae

"Pathethic!" - New

"New?" - Tay

" I am sorry Tay, this is Joss New's ex fiance. He needs to be here to dissolve his position so you can consolidate yours. I am really sorry for this." - Por

"It's okay Por I understand"- Tay

I turned to New with a worried look, he was still angry so I appeased him by pulling him close and now he was pouting.

"I am really okay Hin" - Tay

"I'm sorry" - New

He just whispered and then I turned to Joss who was still standing there looking all lost with the way he looked at New.

" I am sorry Joss but hands of my Hin please" - Tay

" I am sorry for being an ass but I still don't like you for New" - Joss

With that he turned away sitting two couches away from Off, taking a drink or two at the wine on the table.

"Well I guess we should start to get this over with" - New

The people around sat in some of the couches and were spread while New and I stood by his grandfather's study desk with one goblet.

" Ready?"- New

"Ready when you are" - Tay

I just smiled and he held my hands. Then he turned to his true form, slowly silvery white and gray strands appeared on his hair and his red orbs glowed like ruby sparkling in the light, blue streaks of veins a little visible on his face and hands came out. I am always mesmerized at how beautiful New is at his true form.He smiled the sweetest smile and squuezed my hand. He cut his wrist that made me flinch worried he'll hurt himself almost made me reach for his hand and do something about it.
Then he mouthed it's okay when he saw the worried looked on my face. Drops of blood dripped from his hand to the goblet it was in a darker shade of red contrary to his blue veins which made me wonder why but it did not smell of iron nor anything fishy instead it smelled almost sweet like flowers and honey to me, I guess
the smell varries because looking at Off he looks agitated and Joss looked blanked while Mae and Por covered their nose and Luke was just stiff.

Next he held my hand and asked my permission first then cut my hand I winced because of the sting his eyes looked worried scanning me for reactions and I just smiled.
After a few drops he lifted my hand to his mouth licking the cut he made which made me blush. I can hear Off whistled and my parents gasping at the gesture. It was embarassing but New just smirked at me.

"You're gonna pay for this later" -Tay

I mouthed at him and he just chuckled.

"*cough ehem!"- Por

After that New lifted the goblet and swirled it mixing both our blood together.He drank a few and it made him dizzy for a second leaning to the table for support as I held on to his shoulders. His orbs gleaming then he gave the goblet to me and I smelled it at first it really smelled sweet and a tinged of iron since I had my blood in it.

I drank the rest of it New was very considerate I guess for leaving just the right amount for me to taste his blood or he just drank more.
I would get answers on him later on.
It was sweet like honey although blood is already mixed in it.
We just stared at each other like we can do this for the rest of our lives it was solemn and intimate ritual indeed and I felt like something touched my heart it made me full.
I was thinking it was the right time.

" New" - Tay

I knelt down on one knee,he was startled motioning me to stand up but I held his hand and looked him in the eye.

" New,
I may not be the best but I will try to be for you
I may not give you everything but you can have all that i have
I am weak but I will protect you the way I can
We will fight, bicker and misunderstand each other but I promise I will never ever leave you.
There maybe times I could not give you all my time
There will be a time where I will be foolish and do something wrong
Just know that I will love you with all my heart my body my soul everything that I am and I want to spend the rest of eternity loving you with all that I have.
Tonight I am asking if you would want the same to so,
Hin it has been 5 years will you marry me for another 5 years and an eternity?"- Tay

I fished out the small box in my pocket and offered the box with a ring in it. He looked at me teary eyed as I am tearing up to. I can hear a sob from the background but I did not dare break my stare at his lovely face.

"You know I will never say no, yes yes oh my god Tay yes I would want to spend an eternity with you" - New

I slid off the ring to his fingers and hugged him as tight as I could.I am happy I could die.


I kept on scrapping my drafts and came up with this, I felt the holiday rush and was just to busy to edit hahahaha ...
Have a happy holiday to you guys, let's welcome the new year with a bang!!🍾🍾🥂

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