IX. Tay's Predicament

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It's been a year and a lot has happened, from New being away for a month and since then he stuck to me like glue.
We cuddle and hug more it was like we were in a relationship but we never talked about it.
We just went on with what we have now like contented with each other's company.
But lately, I am getting more and more restless. Since we started to have different schedules and became busy with work. He also started to manage some of his family's companies which took most of his time even when he was at home he would be stuck at his I pad looking over of stock market. We rarely got time for each other.
Sometimes I fall asleep with him and wake up with just a note and breakfast the next day.
Things got worse when New was tagged in some of the IG stories of a certain heiress Mild Lapassalan, New said it was just an attention-seeking girl so I should pay no mind to it when I teased him about her.
Jealousy started creeping up on me, what am I to him any way I am just a best friend he can date whoever. It was when the time Gun showed me a picture of Mild and New at a coffee shop being posted on Twitter.

One night at the GMMTV office

"New are you coming with us for dinner?" - Tay

" Sorry I might have to pass tonight I had a dinner meeting with executives tonight, sorry Tay I'll make it up to you next time" - New

"Oh okay, it's alright I know you're busy" - Tay

"I'll be heading off then see you later" - New

" Oh pet don't be sad papii and I am here we'll eat at your favourite restaurant today cheer up" - Gun

" Peng you see him at his condo anyway, you're basically living there duh!" - Off

"Whatever! It's been long since we've gone out he was always busy" - Tay

"Aiii pet is lonely poor you" - Gun

After an hour we went to the restaurant. We sat near the windows when I saw a familiar figure just a few tables away from us it was Mild facing our table. Then after a few minutes was New coming from somewhere sitting in front of Mild.

"Pet is that New?" - Tay

"Yes he is, what is he doing here with her" - Tay

I was annoyed no I was mad he refused our dinner just for that irrelevant girl or so what he says. What a liar.

"Peng ehem it must not be what you think calm down" - Off

Off with a sensitive hearing can hear New's exasperated voice of defeat and annoyance. Tay ignored Off's remark and stormed at New's table.

"Hi! I never thought I'd bump to you here New" - Tay

"Tay??" - New

" Excuse me?" - Mild

I heard the bitches voice is annoying as ever, I turned to her and New asking for an explanation. I deliberately ignored her.

"ehem *cough Hi! I am Mild Lapassalan, I am New's fiance you are?" - Mild

Did I hear that right fiance??? what the hell I looked at New and he was facepalming. It feels as if a bucket of cold water was thrown into my face. I did have the courage to face her. Yes, she is very pretty. What the fuck! why didn't I know about this?

" I am ... I am no one excuse me" -Tay

I stormed off, that was fucking embarrassing. What the hell was I doing. I don't even have the right. I walked past the Gun and Off table ignoring them as well.
I went straight to the parking lot to my car.
I was about to open my car door when a hand was placed on the window to prevent it from opening. I turned to look at who it was.
It was New his face inches from mine with his hands still on the car. I was stuck between him and the car with nowhere to go.

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