XXI. The Permission To Hurt Me

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The weekend came by quickly, as Tay's words rung into my head. The meeting with his parents as his boyfriend.

I was playing with the ring on my index finger, a ring which Por had given me when I had come of age. The ring was black opal with a stud of blue diamond I had never once taken off my finger.

The ring reminds me that I am not that weak kid that cowers at the corner of those four white walls.

I was thinking, yes thinking hard. I am in a bind. The New Thitipoom is in peril.
I am about to meet Tay's parents and as far as I am concerned I did not have the best impressions of them since the banquet.
I have to prove my worth I have riches yes but Tay as well he has everything I could offer. All I can do is convince them that I can take care of Tay.
So what can I do to prove to them that I only have the best interest of their son?

A knock on my door and  I was pulled back to reality.

" Sir, the meeting will begin in 5 mins. They require your presence" - Singto

"Alright, I'll be there" - New

Yes, that is right my presence, I just have to show them how sincere and serious I am with Tay. I smiled knowing my brooding will just lead me to complicated things when the answer is just to be beside Tay no matter and whatever happens.
That whatever happens after tomorrow I will always stand my ground with Tay by my side.


It was a Saturday to start I woke up pretty early with a grumbling New beside me.

" What is it Tay, it is pretty early for you to get up?"- New

" You know what day today is right?" - Tay

" I know Love I know pretty well sweetcakes" - New

With a smug look on his face. I wish to crash my lips onto his but I would not want to stay for a couple of hours more in bed I won't be able to help myself. Snickering I just peck a kiss on his hair.

"You have to go easy on the endearments you give me dear, they will laugh at me later on I won't be able to bear it." - Tay

"I know love, that's is why ... " - New

Suddenly tackled me and gave me kisses on my face which made our mornings full of giggles.

"Just *kiss know *kiss this ... - New

He looked me straight into my eyes. His red orbs gleamed in deep red almost hypnotizing me in a trance.

"No matter what your parents think no matter what happens I'll never let you go Tawan"- New

"I know, they will love you" - Tay

I gave kisses to him as well. And then we got up to prepare for the day.
We were about to leave when I saw a sparkle on the kitchen counter.
New was still in the room fixing our stuff, I picked it up and it was New's ring. Why is it at the counter though, he never takes this off. It was the black ring with the blue diamond stud in it. I was puzzled he was wearing it like forever before we met.

"Hin! Why is your ring at the counter?"- Tay

New was coming out with 2 bags in his hands.

"Yes, Oh you found it?" - New

" Why? You never took this off?" - Tay

" Hmm, I guess it is too small for my fingers now. Keep it for me Te?" - New

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