IV. OffNew II

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"You are bad looked what you did you scared him poor Peng" - Off

"Well he's a peeping Tom, he did that twice already at my room, I'm starting to think he liked me you know" - New

He pushed his fingers on my lips massaging them. Then he kissed me with my waist locked by his legs I can't break free even if I can I didn't want to as well. We savored the kiss until we started feeling breathless.

"I wonder what would happen if Gun was the one to see that awhile ago. What would you do PAPIIIIII ... hahaha" - New

"Oh shut it, I'd kick your balls, now come down and they're waiting for us." - Off

"Awww but I kinda liked it here you know" -New

Tightening his legs around me pulling me closer to him. New was a little active again it's the time of the year, I guess where he never gets his fill. But as much as I want to we are still working although my throbbing little Off is already evident on pants and New gyrating his body to me clinging is not very helpful in the least. Oh, fuck it! I lost to my New again and went on with his whims.
Slamming him on the exit door closing it. I rammed my cock into his throbbing hole.

"ughhh aaaahhah there Off aahhh harder" - New

"You always like it rough, let's finish quickly and go back uh haaaaaa New"- Off

I covered his mouth with my hands and bit my shirt up to prevent something from spilling into it. Thrusting like there's no tomorrow to New. We came at the same time and I bit his collar bone making sure it is hidden underneath his shirt.
Fixed up New's clothes while he was in a dazed state and gently slap his cheeks.

"Wake up, you're set we need to go. Are you alright?" - Off

New instantly came back to life like nothing happened to pull his shirt in place.

"Okay let's go"- New

Licking and biting his lips smirking at me. sometimes I am amazed at this kid his character is like a switch that can change to another in an instant, one time he is all cute and fluffy like the child he is now, and at times when we're alone he is like a predator sometimes it scares me how he can change his attitude immediately I wonder how he is when he is angry.
But I never experienced it so I am thankful and never want to see it come to the light of day for sure it will be hell.

When we arrived at the waiting area everyone was still resting and I found Tay sitting on the couch scrutinizing my every move. Something is up and I knew this Peng of mine is formulating something on his mind.
New a tease that he is going to sit next to Tay, and annoy him to death. It's amusing how New relentlessly teases him.

"Aiiii Teeee " - New

"What!!" - Tay

"Are you mad?" - New

"Why would you ask me that? besides what you do is none of my business" - Tay

"Oho are you jealous Peng?" - Off

" What no??!!? Why would you think that, I'm just mad that you didn't tell me!" - Tay

" See you are mad, tell you what??"-New

" Are you still going to deny it?! That you and Peng?"- Tay

"Hahahaha told you New he would buy it, but I think we've gone overboard next time I won't agree with your whims anymore" - Off

New rolled his eyes at me, communicating like this without words is like breathing to us.
Well New was right there is something with Tay, New being the smart ass he is just reasoned out that we were making a joke on him because he was forbidden to eat cake the whole day by Tay.

"Heheheehe are you jealous Tay?" - New

Poking Tay at his sides.

"What the hell are you two playing at, that's not funny I almost thought that you ugh what the fuck!I hate you guys." - Tay

"Tsk, that's too much you know. You're gonna make him cry. Just too evil New so so much"- Off

" What, I was just testing the waters dipping my fingers and I think it's not so bad at all, right Phi Off?.." - New

I shook my head at him shooing him away after Tay stormed out of the room. New winked at me following after Tay. So that's why he let the guy get close to him playing with him seems fun for New. Anyway, I scanned the area and saw Gun sitting pouting there with his phone.
Now off to play with my cute little mouse.


My heart almost burst I don't know why I felt a slight tug to my heart when I saw Off and New being intimate with each other wishing that was my place in between New's legs. Wait what the hell was I thinking.
What are these thoughts?
While I was sitting on the couch trying to process my thoughts Off and New came looking like nothing happened Off with a smug look on his face that I instantly want to erase and New snuggling up close to me.
When they told me it was all just a prank to get New his revenge on me I doubted it, what if they're just making excuses. They're playing on me. I stormed off the room looking at the clock there were 30 mins more before the break was over.

"Hey Tay Tay hey te teeeeeeee" - New

I heard New following screaming my name.

"What?? having fun playing on me that's not funny" - Tay

" Why are you so mad it was just a prank" - New

"None of your business" - Tay

Before I get to run away New grabbed me by the arm and turned me to him slamming me on the side of the wall both his hands trapping me.

"Look at me, I said look at me" - New

I was hesitant to look I fear he will see the jealousy that is in my eyes.
So I just looked down. And felt two strong hands envelop me in a tight embrace.

" I'm sorry okay, I've gone overboard this time. Sorry Tay. " - New

Then he turned around and left I felt a pang of guilt knowing it was not his fault but mine in the first place even if they are not joking I don't have the right to be mad at them, I am not in a relationship with the New. I was mad because I am not in a relationship with New. I was mad at myself for letting things happen.

After I realized what I felt I thought it best just to stay best friends with him I was afraid to break the relationship we already had. I felt that he doesn't feel as much as I do it was just me and my one-sided affection for him.

I will just be best friend Tay until I think I am ready to confess.
I looked at the blank sky, thinking about things that I needed to accept. Why does it have to be Off?, why am I like this? More questions start to pop out of my mind.
But one thing is for certain I liked New and I liked him enough to get mad at Off.

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