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I was nervous the doctor will come in any minute now. I asked Tay to just wait for me at the villa, he was worried but I assured him that I'll be alright. Por and Mae were worried as well they are still holding up on a business trip and called me a while ago.
While waiting for Krist our family doctor and also a family friend, my head throbbed a stinging pain shot to my temples.
I kneeled on all fours my veins popped my hairs white. Gritting my teeth.

"Ugghhhhh nngggggg"- New

My blood red eyes turned black it was painful, I feel a searing pain and it burns I feel my body burning. I blacked out when I came to Tay was already at my side gripping my hands crying. I touched his head.

"heeeyyy,  what happened?"- New

"Oh my god!Hin!! You're awake thank god!"-Tay

The butler and the doctor were already inside before Tay could explain.

"What happened?"- New

"Hin" -Tay

Tay looked at Krist for an explanation.

"Well you had a breakdown, New this is dangerous. What happened did you take a drug I found something in your bloodstream and its unusual" - Krist

"I don't know, I didn't take any." - New

Then I started to remember the last inspection.

" Call Luke I need to talk to him **I turned to the butler, How long was I out?"- New

" 5 hours Hin" - Tay

Tay is on the verge of crying again.

"I'm sorry please Love don't cry" - New

"We need to know what drug it was New, is it coming back? I saw you it was like then, it was...." - Krist

I cut Krist's ramblings and looked at him sternly opting for him to stop since Tay was here.

"What is it? New??"- Tay

"Don't worry, I'll tell you when we sorted this out okay I promise. For now could you please wait for me at the villa? I'll just talk to Luke and Krist okay?"- New

I asked him as I was already sensing Luke's presence outside.
He nodded but he was reluctant to leave me.

" I'll wait " - Tay

He said before he left from which Luke entered. and Luke rushed at me sitting by the chair.

"Hey bud, are you okay?"- Luke

" I am, I'm alright" - New

The time when you get to see Luke break his stoic face is times like these when he worries a lot.

"It's back I know, it's because of that damn vial I know, Luke send a team to inspect the place again and look for clues who operated and what were being experimented on it."- New

"Okay, anything else?"- Luke

"Where's my sword?"- New

The butler went and gave my sword to me. I unsheathed it and sheathed it back in.

"If anything happens kill me with this" - New

I gave my sword to Luke, who was dumbfounded. Looked at me searching my eyes for certainty.

"Protect Tay from me, this is absolute" - New

"Yes, young master" - Luke

He just bowed and got the sword carefully handling it. I don't have to repeat the 2nd time to Luke he fully understands the situation I was in.

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