XXII.Blue Blood

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The weekends darted with dinner with the Vihokratana's to meeting the whole clan.
New didn't expect to be welcomed by so many relatives it turns out, that weekend was Vihoktrana's gathering welcoming Tay's parents back and the announcement of Namtan Tinapree's engagement with Tay's cousin from his mother's side.

It was a whirlwind of awkward greetings to Tay's relatives and introductions of New.
Of course, the never-ending business ties within the family.
Tay is the center of attraction after his cousin earned a few envious stares here and there for hauling in a big catch for the family, that said catch would be blue blood New Techaapaikun.

Blue blood is what they call New because of his elegance and smooth-talking, eventually, everyone warmed up to him like a long-lost son returning home. He was even welcomed when they learned that he is the CEO of Techaapaikun Industries & Co. one of the leading industrial and machinery in Thailand.
Gone was the cold and aloof aura.


"Will you look at that, in just a couple of minutes, you became the man of the hour. So where does that take me?"- Tay

"hahaha it takes you to my side moron, it to stake my claim, you as my prize remember that Vihokratana" - New

"Your talking skills are impeccable you got them liking you for seconds, should I be happy with that or fear it?"- Tay

He was just laughing at me then he pointed his index finger at my heart.

"I rightfully claim that this is mine fear it, I will never let you go Tawan" - New

I liked it, I like it very much when he gets possessive like this. He can lock me up wherever he wants to as long as he'll be there beside me.
We were in a staring contest when a noisy fellow joined in.

"Aaaaaiiii Peng! Newwiee, get a room you two" - Off

" Peng! hey I thought you'd never come?"-Tay

"How can I when Namtan called me a few times so that I won't miss on it."- Off

Off, Namtan, New, and I started way back since five live so we have just known each other since then.

"How are you guys anyway? are the inlaws holding up your ridiculous acts?"- Off

"They're pretty much chill with it" -Tay

I place my hands around New's waist, Off's eye never escaped the glint on my fingers. Then for a second, he'd snatch my hands. I was a bit startled at first.

"Easy now Off it'll break"- New

"Is this, don't tell me this is?" - Off

"Pretty much so"- New

" What? what?! what's wrong with it" - Tay

Gun sauntering to us butted in the conversation with wine in his hands. Like the crazy rich Asian that never gives a fuck he lazily stared at my finger and his eyes bulged.

"Oh a black opal, that's fucking expensive where'd you get that Pet?"- Gun

"Huh, it was New's ... "- Tay

"And to say the rarest one, you can practically buy a mountain with that maybe" - Gun

"ah what??!" - Tay

"How could you not know the value Peng, you're literally carrying a "you can kidnap me with the ransom money in my hand" you didn't even know. Did you know the meaning of that ring??"- Off

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