ii. Sleeping Beauty

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Spin-Off at a part of The Sun That Longs For The Moon.
Wherein Tay snuck in the dead of the night to New's room.

"True Love's kiss, I must be crazy." - Tay

I muttered under hushed breaths taking in Hin's silhouette under the moonlight. He still looks pretty much alive except for the fact that he had been paling almost as white as snow.
His appearance came back to normal no more sunken hollow cheeks instead it became puffed, almost wanting to pinch those cheeks. Those red lips were there instead of his chapped and pale ones, his blue veins were only slightly visible, and his overall build has gotten good now with some fats in the right places it feels as if he is recovering now but he is still in a coma.

I looked at my hands they became brawny. My body had changed a lot I think I've grown quite a muscle.
My burly back is even noticeable in my white loose shirt.

"Hin look at me I'm big now, I can protect you effectively, you can't say I am weak now" - Tay

I said happily like he is going to respond, flexing funny poses at his bedside. I chuckled and those chuckles turned into muffling cries as I buried my head into the bedsheets just an inch away from his cold body.

"Hin wake up please, please I know you're there" -Tay

After crying a couple of amounts of times.
I reached for his hand cupping it to my face lying on the bed I laid beside him.

"Hin, do you remember our mornings that you don't usually wake up whenever I don't kiss you good morning? "- Tay

Pausing for a couple of seconds seemingly imagining him replying to me. Yes, I am crazy, crazy for my Hin.

"You said you hated morning kisses, because of morning breath, but I don't think so because you don't get up If I don't kiss you!"- Tay

I snickered remembering one time when our morning kisses got heated up so much that my mom walked in my room with me on top of New and New flushed red below me.

We were in my condo then and mom just didn't announce her arrival.

"You were so embarrassed you can't look her in the eye, and never talked to me for a few days! Hahaha, you were so out of character Hin. I loved that natural side of you, it makes you human, it makes you like me and it makes you mine. I missed you!"- Tay

There was only a deafening sound and nothing else no replies no giggles back only but silence engulfed the room.

"So when you wake up you have to show up to my parents okay? Let's have a vacation in my hometown as well, you know tour and eat a lot" - Tay


"Oh wait I haven't noticed it but I think I don't need to eat much now, you know mutation and stuff. I'm starting to think I'm superman but darn Off just really have to ruin saying I'm no stronger than him." - Tay


"Why'd he have to be your soulmate that ugly-ass man who's had a goofy grin on his face, not taking things very seriously." - Tay


"He told me a silly trick I don't know if it'll work but you look like a princess to me. Well, I hope you don't hear that and strangle me to death." -Tay


"Hey, Hin Love if you don't want me doing this silly thing please wake up and smack the hell out of me, see I'm desperate I don't know what else to do." - Tay


Still no response, I don't want to leave him like this, I was set to live in the woods just out of the city to get used to my new body. But I knew it would be better for both of us. It hurts me to see him like this every day breathing and unmoving.

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