XIX. Restless

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Back to the present ...

I dragged Tay out of the dining hall without a word, I knew he was confused but I will save up the explanation for later. I wanted to just get out of here far away from them, I don't want them seeing even a hair of Tay I need to protect is what I thought although out. I turned to Tay when we got back to the villa.

"Tay I'm sorry you had to see that, Love we have to go. I know this is a rush and all but we have to go"- New

I hugged him tightly like my life depended on it and he just patted my back.

"New it's late, can't we just leave tomorrow it won't be good driving at this hour."- Tay

"Okay, just stay by my side don't go anywhere please not right now. I need you"- New

"I know, even if I wanted to I can't go anywhere right, New it'll be alright you're doing great right now. Rest we still have work tomorrow as much as wanted to extend vacation we can't were too busy to do that."- Tay

"mmm okay."- New

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about the things I feared the most. It was losing Tay in the process, was I doing the right thing exposing him through all this what if things went haywire and I can't do anything to prevent it? I mean I know I can handle it well but there was no Tay back then but now I am not so confident at all. 

I got startled when a cold towel was draped around my eyes. It was Tay chuckling.

"I see you've been going over your head thinking nonsense again, Hin just sleep rest or whatever don't think of anything else  I'm right here."- Tay

Tay spooned me in bed, I felt comfort maybe he is right thinking for another wouldn't hurt. I'll just do what I can in the meantime hugs come first, we were hugging in bed when I heard Tay's light snores. I brush the hair on his forehead playing with the ends of it. As if it was never enough stares to memorize this man's face so I will never forget. I kissed him on his forehead.

"Thank you Tay I love you"- New

The following day they left the mansion. Days became uneventful as they passed on a bliss they were both kept busy because of their work but they never miss those cuddle nights or late conversations they always had after movie night. Or just hanging out by the patio talking about things. 

But New was still restless it is evident in his eyes ever since their dinner at the Techaapaikun's so far his parents have been keeping quiet about it.


We were at the patio chilling after dinner and having wine. I can feel New's restless aura, It kept bugging me after that dinner but I stopped asking him until he tells me himself but I guess New can hold it for too long whilst I can't. His back facing me, leaning with both his hands on the rails I hugged him.

"What's wrong love, you're restless?"- Tay

"Tay, sorry was I that obvious?"- New

"Yeah now tell me before my patience runs thin again"- Tay

"You know Tay about my parents well.. "- New

"I know you hated them but you didn't tell me why?"- Tay

"Well it's because .." -New


New growing up as a kid in the Techaapaikun house had a lot of pressure.  

He was only 5 when he started training for his physical skills knowing New he was a sickly kid, he was weak. They thought that he is not fit to be a successor of the head, some rumors also surrounded him that he was born from the union of a human and a vampire which is why he had limitations in his physical abilities and is very weak.

Which wasn't true at all, His father was always displeased at New's shortcomings and was not always around even if he was he would just scold the kid because of his weakness. His mother is no better as well always at business parties and was seldom home. The kid suffered being with nannies and maids the only thing he looked forward to is visiting his grandparent's house.

Little New thought things would not get any worse than this but he was wrong it was when he was 7 years old that things started to change. His father being removed as the next successor was outraged he was obsessed with the position.

His grandfather decided that he is not fit to lead the family because of his ways, New's father does illegal things behind his father's back and the latter found out. As fast as he was cut from the succession New was fast appointed as the next head. But New was weak he will be easily shaken off the position so his father took things into his hands to manipulate New. 

In the beginning, New was only tested and trained hard to improve his stamina and other physical capabilities but it was never enough for his parents. They tested several drugs on him to improve his constitution he lived 3 years of his life at a lab or in a hospital. He can't even say no to his parents. Every day was much more painful than the other. He waited and waited for it all to end.

White walls and four corners were his everyday view. Needles and the smell of medicine and alcohol,  sometimes he is weak vomiting every once in a while because of induced poison and drugs. He never got better which enraged his father more, his grandfather on the other hand knew that he was being treated at a hospital in the states. New's condition only came to light when New's father was found dealing drugs for enhancement in human circles.

His grandfather took him away from his parents and lived the following years never having contact with his parents. The sweet and kind child was gone instead a cruel kid.

After a Year of recuperating at his grandfather's mansion, he had an outburst he was down for a week doctors said the drug-induced in his body back then was now acting up. when he came to he was crazed he became strong an overwhelming amount of physical enhancement done to him back then made him kill 2 servants the moment he woke up. 

They had no other choice but to lock up New to prevent him from annihilating everyone he sees, he became a rogue a madman. But his grandfather never gave up on him he waited and tried everything to save his beloved grandson as atonement for neglecting him before. After a few months, New became calm and stable but still rogue until his condition got better they knew he fought and fought hard to keep his sanity because they knew that little kid was strong and believed in him. When he was fully cured he was no longer a boy but a man at a young age he experienced the cruelness of the world. An empty and lonely young man void of emotions that was New after that.


"New, I'm here I'll always be here don't cry love."- Tay

"Tay I'm scared, I'll hurt you I'm scared"- New

"Ssshhhh I'm here, my love my hin
You can hurt me all you want I'll just love you as much as I can"- Tay

"Tay..."- New

"New, I'm scared as well I am scared that one day the difference we have will break us apart, losing you I have never thought of it at all, or never will I. I just want to be by your side through it all. Even if everything will be against us. I will always be here" - Tay

Tay pointed to my heart and held my hand placing it on his chest.

"And you will always be here, I love you New. " - Tay

A tear fell on New cheeks. Hugging Tay so tight he never wanted to let go.

"I love you Te" - New

"I know love stop crying I don't want to see a puffer fish in the morning, haha smile I like you better that way. Let's leave the worries for tomorrow. We will solve them together."- Tay

"yes together Tay"- New

** New gave his best smile,
I swear one of these days I would be killed forgetting to breathe by a second.


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