VII. Without you

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I was so excited to go home from this trip to Japan. Only to find out the face I was looking forward to seeing would be gone the next day. Although I saw his face for a couple of hours how could he leave without saying goodbye to me?

Well, he technically did I was just pretending to be asleep. He kissed my forehead what the hell just thinking about it makes me blush. I stared at the good ole' ceiling for a couple of hours that's when I realized that I was daydreaming again. I noticed food at the kitchen counter and a note. 

"Heat it if it gets cold, eat your breakfast" - New

I don't know what to do with this beating heart I am falling more and more it's been years and I still feel the same. I guess my only fear is that when we eventually gave a label to this relationship called best friends when we broke up will he'll replace me or our friendship will be over just like that. No, I can't bear to think about it. Heck, I don't even know if he feels the same way towards me. He was cold and distant at first now he started softening up to me but still, he was indifferent in a way.

The last words he said still rang in my mind it feels as if his goodbye is forever. It's been days since and I haven't received a single text or call from him. I'm getting worried. The last time I saw him was when Off video called me with the sleeping New beside him. I've asked Off about him but Off just said that was also the last time he heard from New. I tried calling New but the phone is unreachable. 

I started to think that worrying is useless, like Off said he still stayed at their house so maybe he's just too busy to send me something. I worked like hell to get my mind off overthinking, Peng said just to chill New can handle stuff. I just found out that New's family owned several businesses around Chiang Mai he is an heir to a large corporation, so he is rich why does he need to work. Peng said when New gets back he will explain everything.

I trust Off a lot since he is the only one who knows New more than me. I felt a little hurt and jealous since I am his best friend but there are some things that maybe he is having a hard time telling me so I will wait for him to open up.

Days turned into weeks and then a month passed by in a blink of an eye. I am already living at New's condo just to make sure that I'll be the first to know if he's already at home or not. I just found out at Gmmtv that New took a leave of absence temporarily and just compensated for the projects he had left behind.
I turned to Off and he didn't have any news as well. I can also sense the worry in his tone but he assured me that New will come back and everything will be okay.

As I went home I prayed he was already there but to my demise, it was dark and empty like what I felt.

"New where are you?" -Tay

"Just a single text even if it's blank I'll take it."- Tay

I almost felt like crying, is he gone for good why didn't he even call. I am his best friend Isn't he supposed to tell me something. I'm living in his condo for a month now, while standing in the empty living room a lot of thoughts and possible scenarios entered my mind. A lot of what-ifs and why's.

Thinking about how would he sleep again for the night became unbearable to Tay. Those sleepless nights thinking about the last image of New sleeping beside Off.
Call him invading New's privacy but he slept in his bed for a month now, hugging New's shirt that was used as a pillowcase the scent was already fading away.
He never thought that the absence of that person will make him this lonely.
Closing his eyes trying to sleep the night away. New never left for this long not until now.

When he felt two cold hands wrapped around his shoulders. And a head snuggling to his back.
Thought it was just a dream of New hugging him to sleep.

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