XI. Office Lunch date

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Since it has come to this I've decided to introduce Tay to my grandparents, yes my grandparents not my parents. Now my problem is how break to him that I wanted him to meet my grandparents. It's been a week since we professed our love with each other.

But I want to formally be Tay's boyfriend. Ever since that night he hasn't said a word and acted like always, don't tell me he's having second thoughts now. Ugh! I've never been in this kind of situation it was usually the other way around them chasing after me not me chasing after them.

Cursing internally, I was sighing and wracking my brains out at my office. I heard a knock and Singto came in my secretary.

"Sir, Ms. Lapassalan is here" - Singto

"I told you nobody disturbs me" - New

"But she insisted and.. ugh .. Miss wait"- Singto

Singto was pushed out of the door and came Mild with a strong perfume wearing a skimpy red dress.

"NEEWWWWW!!! They're not letting me in!ugh!"- Mild

I am just impressed at how thick skinned this girl is, how many times have I sent signals that I don't want to be around her. Ugh I hate her.

"What do you want?!" - New

"I just wanted to see you."- Mild

"Well I DON'T so go away"- New

"Aww why are you playing hard to get , I know you like me"- Mild

This girl where does she get those ideas from, I swear I'm gonna kill the one whose feeding her all these lies. Then my phone rang it was Tay so I answered it immediately. I raised my hand to her to make her shut up then she sat at the couch.

"Yes, Tay?"- New

"Oh have I interrupted something?"- Tay

"Oh no I am doing nothing I was about to have lunch"- New

"Wow perfect, do you want to eat together? I think I am around your area I am near Siam maybe we can have lunch there"- Tay

Then an idea popped into my mind as I saw Mild looking at me expectantly.

"Oh actually I had just ordered lunch"- New

"Is that so maybe some other time then"- Tay

"Okay"- New

The call ended but I immediately texted Tay.

"I changed my mind why don't you have lunch with me here at the company this is the address I'll notify front desk so they'll escort you here okay. I'll wait for you Love" - New

Then I called Singto telling him to order 2 sets of lunch to the nearest restaurant of course I specifically instructed to order Tay's favorites. Mild looked excited she thinks I ordered all of that for her. She looks like she won the lottery but she thought wrong. After a few minutes I got notified that Tay is already on his way up accompanied by Singto. Any minute now.

My door opened with Tay brightly smiling he still haven't noticed Mild sitting at the couch, I was standing leaning on my desk with my back facing the door pretending to fix some documents when he came to me hugging me from my back kissing my neck.

" New Hin I missed you!"- Tay

I smirked I know Tay like doing those back hug and neck kisses to me, Of course I faced him and put my hands on his neck hugging him. Seeing the surprised face of Mild and to add more spice I licked Tay's neck while looking at Mild grazing my fangs on his tanned skin, Tay pushed me slightly.

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