XXIX. OFF the grid

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Before the line was cut I heard a crashing sound.

"Shit!!! New please be safe"- Off

I just got back from the Joss's Mansion thankfully it's near the Techaapaikun's if I'm not mistaken he was in a car. He must not have gone too far. I sensed through mind link and it was still peaceful that he's alive but it's weak.
I'm coming I rushed I drove like a madman and passed a car by the side of the road, It was New.
My heart was beating so loud if it's not caged in my ribs it must have lept out.

"Hang on buddy I'm here, my beloved hang on" - Off

He was weak, there were cuts and bruises but it is healing. His black hair was getting whiter by the minute, veins popping out.
I shook him and tried getting him out of the car carrying him to my car I laid him in the backseat.

"Hang on bud" - Off

I'm going to die of worry one of these days because of New. His breathing was becoming steady, I held my hand to his hair brushing it slightly off his forehead.
Then I drove off to my villa in Chiang Mai since I can't go straight to my condo as Gun is staying there right now and things will be a little complicated.
Even though we've agreed to just enjoy each other's company right now we don't have a certain definition of our relationship. I need to give him a call after a few rings he answered.

"Papii?"- Gun

"Hey! Gun I'm sorry I can't come back tonight, I was held back because of the family business there seem to be a lot more problems that I have to fix. " - Off

"Oh? Okay, it's late you should rest now" - Gun

"Yeah I was just driving back, I'll call you tomorrow okay?" - Off

"Okay, take care papii" - Gun

I glanced at New in the back seat still clutching his chest he looks to be in so much pain.


I woke up with the sunlight smiling on my face, the curtains were half open draped over the glass windows slightly parted with the cool breeze blowing them.
Feeling lightheaded then a stringing pain struck all of my nerves as I clutch my hair and groan in frustration, It was a hangover Fuck! If I knew that I would be experiencing this after drinking I'd have not drunk at all.
Oh, wait? I'm not supposed to be hangover, It must have taken an enormous amount of alcohol to get me drunk. Wait did I drink? No, I think not, it was later I noticed that I was not in my bed, it was not my room. Where the hell am I? And I am not drunk, right?
I was alerted by a looming shadow over me, I'm a little panicked and confused as to what is happening my mind is in shambles at the moment and it is dizzying me.

"Careful take this you'll feel better" - Off

The man handed me one I can't still make out his face as everything was blurry everything is surprisingly bright and white and I know from the smell it is not my room and the smell of this man although strange is somewhat calming.

"Wh.. Who are you?"- New

Still pressing my head with slight pain in my temples.

"Easy beloved, it will come about take your time sit comfortably" - Off

As he fixed my position leaning my back on the headboard. Although faint I can now see clearly it's coming around I guess the medicine did well.

"Are you still in pain? your slightly disoriented so you're having a hard time remembering things but it will come later, still take it easy and do not overthink okay? I'll come back and fetch you breakfast"- Off

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