XXV.Bloody Red Snow White

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Everything was going so well, so very well that it's odd in a sense.
Tay and I settled after he proposed during the Blood Oath we were running around looking for a house, we were planning. For marriage but it was all so good I feel like I'm dreaming.
Not until a week ago did I go back for inspection in Chiang Mai again.

The number of rogues is increasing which is alarming. I stayed for 2 weeks just to finish work.
On our night excursion, we stumbled upon a facility that experiments on vampires and werewolves altogether.
In our era now we don't have that much animosity with them anymore we helped other wolves to escape and took custody of those rogues and vampires that are weak.
At some point it got bloody, we fended off almost a hundred rogues with just 30 of my security detail.

I got cocky and thought of it as any other trip we had, some rogues had stabbed me with an unknown ampoule that made me weak for a while but I shrugged feeling nothing but tiredness. I didn't mind it at all because I know I am immune to poison.

It was all well when I got back to the city until I started having nightmares again.
When I got back to Tay he always woke me up, with me sweating profusely.

One night...

" New New New Hinnnnnnn" - Tay

I can hear Tay's voice calling me, but I was immovable standing staring at a kid lying in a fetal position wearing a white gown, shivering, crying with calloused hands and cuts all over his arms and feet.
Skin as white as snow, hair tinted with white streaks at the ends of his short hair. He was crumbling like paper disintegrating as he looked straight into my eyes.

"Whhyyyy"- Kid

I was about to reach him when I woke up with Tay hugging me and crying.

" Hiinnnnn come back don't leave me Hinnn" - Tay

He was hugging me tightly crying wetting my shoulders with his tears.

"Tay?? sshhh why are you crying? my love don't cry Tawan" - New

I broke the hug and cupped his face, it hurt me seeing him cry like this.

"I thought you were... you just stopped breathing I can't feel your heartbeat... There is nothing ...tell me its nothing it's just a joke God please Hin don't do this" - Tay

He was bawling his eyes off, I wiped his tears with my thumb caressing his cheeks.

"It's okay Love it's okay it was just a nightmare nothing serious" - New

"But your hair was white" - Tay

"I know it is white at the ends right, it's normal" - New

"No it's all turning white, now it's fading again... I thought you were... I thought you were dying.." - Tay

I touched my hair and it really is fading again to the ends now.

I hugged Tay and assured him that it is alright and I'll call someone at home to check up on me. Before I put him back to sleep.
Now my hair was back to normal, thinking about the boy in my dreams.

There are times when I dreamed of the same boy, other times he is in a dark room, cold and chained to a wall he just looked at me with his lifeless eyes and smirked with his blood-red lips.
He was mouthing something I can't understand. Then reaches out to me with his scrawny fingers. Other times he would just sit in the corner staring into space.
Other times the boy standing facing the wall with blood dripping from his gown then he would look at me and smile his face covered with blood staring right back at me with those all-black eyes.
The dreams kept haunting me.


A few months after New went back from his last inspection he began having these nightmares, sometimes I'd wake up to him standing on the patio staring out to space.
Then I started to see changes in New's demeanor sometimes he gets antsy and easily irritated. I did not like what was happening so we had a few talks one night.

"Hin, tell me what's wrong? speak to me I don't like you bottling up something"- Tay

"Te" - New

" We're in this together right?"-Tay

He huddled closer to me hugging me like his life was on the line. He looked at me with those scared eyes I feel like breaking into pieces seeing him so disturbed and lost like this.

"Don't leave me, I'm scared something is changing that kid, the kid is back Tay he will hurt us no no no he will hurt you. No, you need to stay away, I'll protect you I will"- New

New was out of his mind, he is having another panic attack. It started from nightmares to this. I just hugged him tighter to make him feel my presence.

Assuring him that everything will be okay as long as were together.

On days New seems okay he goes to work like nothing was wrong but after a while, he would have nightmares and panic attacks whenever he sleeps or when he wakes up. I can't stand him being like this, what better solution is to go back to their grandparent's house? I took a break from work and I urge him as well which before he strongly declined, as bumping into his parents doesn't sit well with him.

I got us a week to rest, a week to figure things out.

We arrived at the mansion, and as usual, we stayed at the villa. I went straight to the room to fix our things.

"Love I'll just be in the garden if you need me" - New

He peeked out of the door smiling at me.

"Okay" - Tay

After some time unpacking our stuff I went out looking for him heading to the garden.
On my way, I saw a few helpers greeting me in his direction.
The sun was up high and he was sitting on a bench in the shade of the rustling trees. Overlooking those white roses he loved the most.

Looking at his side profile he is really a pretty picture. Those luscious lips pinkishly pale in a smile, his eyes closed seemingly feeling the air or the scent of roses around him. His hair fluttering through the soft breeze he looks at peace, and this is the picture I loved the most. The serene look it gives warms my heart.
A picture worth capturing, so I angled my camera and took a shot.

"Love" - New

He turn his head to me and smiled.

"What do you do with so many pictures of me, you already have a lot at your condo" - New

"I keep them Hin, I love taking pictures of you" - Tay

As I slowly joined him at his seat.
He made himself comfortable and leaned his head on my shoulders.

" I had a dream last night, there was a boy who was always alone in a room. He was always looking at me, Tay he was crying there were no tears but I know he was crying. I don't know but it pains me and I am not supposed to feel this, feel all of this. Sometimes I think that boy is me, like what if... I don't know it feels all too good this, us this feeling. My dream's like a sign is it giving me a warning?" - New

"Love, look over thinking stuff does not help. Why are we here in the first place to know what is happening, I can't help you but they can. This is the only thing I can do stay, by your side." - Tay

I held his hand and squeezed it tight. Drawing circles on his hands.

"I am here, I will always be here even if you don't want to" - Tay

"I would never think of not wanting you anymore, I won't let you go"- New

We stayed there for a couple of hours until sunset. Talking and having a peaceful time together was a break that we knew we both needed.

New's grandparents were out in a business meeting we were informed later on through dinner by the butler that the family doctor will arrive tomorrow for his check-up. Hoping good news will come from his doctor praying my Hin gets through this.


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