XVI. One Night New [SS p.1]

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*SS - Side Story


It was an annual inspection of the rehabilitation center every 3 months New would visit the facility located on the outskirts of Chiang Mai.

New was busy with documents at his office when the alarm suddenly rang thru the whole building.
He got a call that some rogue group attack the left wing area of the facility to free other rogues, he was annoyed he looked at the stack of documents he needed to sign and the blaring alarm throughout the building.


As much as he would like to go home and be cuddled by Tay to watch movies he was so damn busy he was already a week away from home and Tay's constant video calls keeping him sane is his peace.

When he thought of it he was going to call me anytime, it's already 11 pm but I had to be busy with this now.
I dragged my lazy ass out of the office Luke was already waiting outside handing me my sword which I was carelessly swinging around like a kid forced to do chores while making my way out of the place.

When we got there some newbies were still fighting some rogue, they're well trained they can fend off my security. But still a bunch of idiots to attack while I'm still here.

Luke was already crushing one rogue skull.

"Ewwww you barbaric thing, don't let it splash on me sicko" - New

"hahaha clean freak, who's the sicko in both of us"- Luke

Muttering under his breath.

We were bantering while I slash someone's head off. Swinging my beloved sword in the air...

When my phone rang, ugh it was Tay.
I just stood still taking the call, while fending off some attacks that went my way. Either someone stabbing me but I can deflect with ease and stab back as well. Lucky for me I can multitask because of my vampire senses

"Ugh, Teeeee!!!I miss you!!" - New

New stabbing someone from the back and flinging off the blood on the sword and going to the next target.

"Hin! Why is it so noisy, oiiii!!don't tell me your partying!" - Tay

"Nah, it's just work you know some flies trying to escape."- New

He kicked someone's head and poked it with the sword to confirm death and shrugged and continued talking to Tay.

"What the hell what flies?! Let me see you better not lying your ass off New Thitipoom I swear I'll drag you back here"' - Tay

"Am not teeee, but it's bloody and disgusting you don't wanna see it"- New

"NEW!!fucking THITIPOOM!"- Tay

"alright alright chill love" - New

New was talking to the phone and switched it to video call. Tay can see people running around and some scattered bodies on the ground. New holding up the phone with his other hand and sword to his right.
Tay was disgusted a little at the bodies but his focus was on what New was wearing.

He wore a short sleeve turtleneck with a silver breastplate on top hugging his chiseled body. A black leather shoulder guard with silver pads extending to his elbows strapped his arms. Wearing black leather fingerless gloves. A tight-fitting pants, a sword strap, and a scabbard hanging by his waist.
He was all dressed in black, if that ain't looking sexy then what is.

"What Tawan don't tell me you're ogling on me now" - New

New with a raised brow, getting the phone a clearer view. He called someone.

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