XVII. One Night New [SS p.2]

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The night New came home. . .

Tay rushing from the office to go home New just called this morning and he will be at home tonight. I was really excited thinking after a week that he's been away I felt so lonely now I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna live without New by my side.

I almost flew out of my car to the condo, I am now basically living in New's condo and mine that is a 2 doors away still stay uninhabited. When I got in I prepared dinner and some stuff.

After an hour New was already at the door making his way to the kitchen , just in time finished cooking food and just setting it on the table. He snaked his arms on my waist hugging me from the back kissing me on my cheek and snuggling his head on the crook of my neck.

"I missed you Tawan, ah I miss home."- New

"I missed you too, now now sit down food is done let's eat dinner first I'm starving already."- Tay

"You just got back? It's quite late"- New

New looking at the clock its almost 12.

"You are not overworking yourself right? Tay how many times have we talked about this"- New

He whined as we made our way to the dining table. Pouting doing what he does best.

"No I am not, I just didn't know I'd be held back at work today because of some mishap at the company. I am fine Hin and I am way feeling great now that you are here" -Tay

Then I stared at New for quite some time, arching my brows at what I'm seeing his wearing. A white dress shirt 2 buttons down and black pants. So where was his work slash hunting clothes.

"Are we forgetting something?"- Tay

"What?"- New

He was already munching on some veggies I set in his plate and some raw meat to this side.

"Your clothes?"- Tay

"ugh Teeeeee.. "-New"

"Yeaaahhhhhh "- Tay

"FINE! I bought it me, I thought you already forgot about it ugh this sucks I hate wearing those."- New

"But I want to see you in those clothes New"- Tay

Stabbing the piece of meat as he stared on to me sulking.

"That's not gonna work New nice try, where's the sword?-Tay

New stood up getting the sword hanging from the door . I was excited seeing a sword that has been used to battle not just the decorated ones at homes. Like the little kid in me kicked in and was mesmerized by how black the blade was and it glimmers in the light as New placed on the table.

"Can I touch it?"- Tay

"Sure just don't get cut it's kinda sharp Tay and knowing you"- New

"yeah yeah eat more"- Tay

I held the hilt it's not as heavy as it looked like then stood up and tried swinging it.

"Hey hey hold up you can't do that you might injure yourself"- New

He reached for the sword and I juts gave on the idea of swinging it as I might really injure myself. He then explained to me that this was a family heirloom passed on to the generation head. I was wondering why was it passed to him since his father should be in line for succession but I dare not pry. And looked like he read my mind .

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