XV. Meeting the Techaapaikun's III

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New and Tay arrived quite early at the mansion. Before their arrival, New called at the mansion to lessen the helpers who will be welcoming them. He did that to make Tay feel less nervous he knows he's been watching Tay fiddle his fingers during the car drive.

When they arrived New is attentive to Tay being careful about what the other is feeling.
They intentionally arrive earlier so he could show Tay around and show him part of his childhood and he enjoyed every bit of it seeing Tay being a part of those memories as well.

New didn't know that the whole day his grandfather was just silently watching them. Through the window from his office. From there you can overlook the garden beside the villa where the two boys were currently laying on the grass.

"They are in love" - Grandma/Mae

"I can see that, the way New is different from his behavior I can see pretty well" - Grandpa/Por

"The child looks like a good match, he seemed to be raised well, What are you worried about then?" - Mae

"New I am worried about New, The child is not like us  though we die like humans we live longer than them if New loses that child he might go crazy" - Por

"Let them decide for themselves they are big enough, we can only stand by them when the time comes."-Mae

"This was the only time seeing New laughing like this, I hope the child's smile and laughter remain" - Por

"*sigh poor child let them be happy at what they are now, we can only support and protect them from the sides." - Mae


" You look great" - New

Giving Tay my thumbs up he looks good in everything. Wearing a black suit coat over a white turtle neck sweater paired with black pants.

"New Isn't this too much?" - Tay

While fixing his coat we are in front of the mirror.

"No this is just alright, you look ravishing should we not go and do something else instead?" - New

Wiggling my eyebrows at him and checked out his whole body.

"Stop fooling around this was your idea remember?"-Tay

"Ugh! Yeah right, but I'm sure they would understand if we are a bit late" - New

I placed my arms on his shoulders hugging his neck closing in the distance, I dove in for a kiss. We shared a sweet and long kiss. He hugged my waist tight we broke off and we were out-breath.

"Now fix yourself up, we can continue later after" - Tay

He made me wear my white suit coat over my black dress shirt matched with black pants as well.
We walked hand in hand thru the mansion making our way to the dining area where my grandparents are already waiting.
Before the doors opened Tay tug my hand. I placed my hand on his and assured him everything will be alright. Staring at him like as long as I am here you'll be fine.
He smiled at me and placed his hand on mine as well.

"Shall we?" - Tay

"Let's go"- New


New looked at me assuredly and that's all I need before we face his grandparents.

"Shall we?"- Tay

"Let's go" -New

As long as I know he's here with me.
When we went inside his grandparents are already there standing and chatting with the butler. They looked in our direction and I can see their affectionate gaze on New.
He let go of my hand for a while to hug them and held them again as he led me closer to them.

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