The library ghost

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I'm on my way to the library we got report that 10 people witnessed a free floating full torso vaporous apparution. They said it blew books off shelves from 20 feet away and scared a poor librarian.

I'm really excited to see an actual ghost I'm meeting the guys there Ray is getting some stuff while also grabbing Peter and egon is already there.

I went in the place and saw egon sitting on the floor cross crossed at a near by table I walked towards him and crouched at his level before touching his shoulder making him jump before turning to see me.

"Oh ace you're here" he said "just in time"

"Ray told me to come here you said you got something?" I asked.

"Yes something is definitely here" he said as he continued to check things out. Then I noticed Peter and Ray coming in. Peter put his one finger on his lips before he knocks on the table making EGON think he got something then Pete grabs a book and slams it on the table before noticing the two came "oh you're here" he said getting up.

"What do you got?" Peter asked.

"This is big,this is very big there's definitely something here" egon said.

"Egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head remember that" Peter said remembering somethings I wasn't there for.

"That would've work if you haven't stoped me" egon said.

Then a man walked up towards us "I'm Roger delacorte"Roger introduced himself "are you from the university?"

"Yes" Peter spoke "I'm dr venkman, dr stantz, egon and ace" Peter introduced us.

Technically I'm not in any university I graduated at a young age and the guys decided to tag me along since they knew I'm into paranormal stuff as well.

"Thank you for coming I hope we can clear this up quickly and quietly" Roger said.

"Let's not rush things" I spoke "we don't even know what you have yet"

Then we split into two groups Ray and Peter were talking to the librarian who saw the ghost while egon and I check where the ghost is.

I'll admit I think Egons kinda cute despite him being older than me by a lot.

"Got anything?" I asked.

Egon was using is PKE meter to get visual of the ghost. The scan shows it's here.

"We got to go to Ray and Peter" he said as he goes to the guys

"Ray it's moving come on" I said

The four of us went downstairs to see a stack of books "this is hot" egon said scanning the books.

Ray was rolling on a camera "symmetrical book-stacking just like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947"

"You're right" Peter said he sounded very sarcastic "no human being would stack looks like this"

I shook my head then I smelt something "guys! You smell that?" I asked we continued looking around to see a bunch of drawers full of slump

"talk about telekinetic activity looks at this mess" Ray looks at the stuff in disgust.

"Look at this" I  said looking at the slimb

"Ectoplasmic residue"

"Venkman get a sample of this" egon tell Peter while giving him a cup.

"Somebody blows their nose and you wanna keep it?" Peter asked.

"I'd like to analyze it" he said looking at the PKE getting stronger readings "this way" he said as we follow him.

"Egon your mucus" Peter said in disgust while giving it to him the stuff.

Out of nowhere a book shelf gets knocked over scaring the crap out of Ray.

"This happened to you before?" I asked he turns and  shook his head "first time?" He nods.

Then we followed Egon who was catching signal until we got it "it's here" he said.

We looked to see the ghost right in front of us it was amazing.I walked to one side of egon as Ray went to another.

"Full torso apparition. It's real" I wispered.

"So what do we do?" Peter asked we didn't answer but looked at each other "could you come here and  for a second please" Peter pulls rays ear as Egon and I followed them "what do we do?" He asked again.

"We've gotta have to make contact. One of us should try to speak it it" I suggest

"Good idea" Egon agreed.

"I have an idea I know exactly what to do" Ray said as we stayed close to Ray as we walked closer to the ghost "GET HER!"

Then the ghost spooked us making us ran out of the library like a bunch of cowards.

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