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Ray, egon and I were in the land doing work. Ray was working on the slime. And egon and I were working on th slime gun.

Many things were on my mind lately and I can't even stop thinking about it.

"Is something in your mind my love?" EGON asked me.

I shrugged as I looked at him "just thinking"

"Please tell me" he stops working to focus on me.

"Okay. What are your thoughts on marriage?" I asked.

He gives it some thought then puts his hand on my shoulder. "Honestly I never thought about marriage. I used to think marriage was just a thing that will not last and the fact that only men propose is observe I believe women could propose to men if they try. I never really believed in it until I met you" that made my heart beat fast than it does.

I chuckled "I'm glad to hear that"

"Ace. Spengler" ray calls us "a Major slime related psychokinetic event"

"What happened?" Egon asked.

"Something came out of Dana's tub tried to grab her and the baby"

"Are they all right?" I asked.

"She got out and went to venkman"

"That's interesting" Egon said putting down the slimb gun "you remember that painting venkman mentioned? I ran the name vigo the carpathian through tthe occult reference net look what came up." He shows us the history of the guy.

"You think there's an connection to to this vigo character and the.." ray asked as we look at the slime then back to each other "slimb?"

"Is the atomic weight cobalt 58.9?" Egon asks as Ray nod.

"Better get over to Dana's apartment I wanna check out the bathtub" I said taking off my lab coat.

"It'd be a good idea to go to the museum in the morning get a look at that painting." Egon said as we head out.

We looked at Dana's apartments to check the bathroom there's nothing but slime just sitting there.

Ray grabs some for samples. "Did you find anything else unusual" ray asks me picking up slimb.

"No everything's fine it's just the bath tub full of slimb that's all." As we walked out of the bathroom. Then I felt something in my stomach that makes me turn do hat I ran back to the bathroom and started puking in the toilet.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder turned to see egon holding me  "we should probably get out of here before something else happens. He picks me up and brings me to the car back home.
As we got home I started puking again before I went back to bed. Laying beside Egon.

"You sure you're okay?" Egon asks wraps his arm Around me.

"I'm fine egon don't worry. Its just little sickness that's all."

He nods "next time you going to the bathroom and not puking" he pull out something out and gives Me something and I took it "use this please"

I open the box to reveal "a pregnancy stick?"

"I wanted to make sure. You have been puking lately I don't want this to be serious. It was either the slime is making you sick or I got you pregnant. and to be honest I'll be glad if you are"

I smiled at him before Lissy his cheek and going to sleep."

Love of opposite attraction (egon Spengler X OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now