Mood slime

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Egon was taking the slime out of the microwave to show Winston and peter what we experienced.

"We've been experimenting with the plasm from the subway tunnel" I told Them as Egon gently sets it on the table.

"Should I get spoons?" Peter asked.

"Don't bother watch this" Egon said. "Go ahead ace"

"You! You worthless peice of slime!" I shouted making the slime bubbly.

"You ignorant disgusting blob" ray shouts.

"You're nothing but an unstable short-chain molecule" Egon shouts.

"You foul, obnoxious muck!" I shout again. Making it go up

"You have a weak electrochemical bond!" Egon said.

"I have seen some disgusting crud in my time but you take the cake" ray was gonna continue but we stopped him.

"This is what you do within your spare time?" Peter asks.

"This is an incredible breakthrough" ray said "what an discovery of a psycho reactive substance whatever this stuff is causing it responds to human emotional states."

"Mood slime" Peter said.

"You mean this stuff feed on bad vibes." Winston said.

"Like a cop in a doughnut factory" ray said.

"We've been running tests to get an equally strong positive reaction." Egon said.

"What kind of test?" Peter asked.

"We'll" I spoke "we sing to it and talk to it and say supportive nurturing things to it."

"You're not sleeping with it are you?" Peters asked as a joke but I looked to egon who was quiet and he turned his head away "oh you"

"It's always the quiet ones" Winston said.

"You hound"

Egon clears his throat "how about the kinetic test?" He grabs the toaster and I grab a spoon full of slim in put it in there.

We got to the table to give it more space "it responded to music we've been experiencing with easy listening" I told him.

"Loves Jackie Wilson"  egon turning the stereo on before walking up to me putting his arm around my waist.

"You guys do this when I'm not here?" peter asks "I get it. It sing exactly like Jackie"

"Just Watch" i said.

We watched the toaster dancing for a bit Peter was impressed by it. It continued dancing until the toast pops EGON caught it and set it down.

Peter grabs the toaster and hugs it "baby, your my number one Christmas boutique gift item"

"First time somebody gets mad that toaster eats their hand." Winston said.

"No we put a warning label on it we don't have any liability" Peter sticks his fingers in the toaster and screams we took the toaster away and peter laughed "oh did you ever fell for it the old man eating toaster bit"

"Get him" I shouted as we all playfully mess with him.

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