Shandor island

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"Egon remind me why we're driving in the fog?" Peter asked as we we're all on the boat.

"The final node venkman. Close it and we seal the mandalas trapping ghosts inside." EGON explained.

"Sorry to break it to you EGON but I don't see the mandala..." peter couldn't finish with the island rising up.

We go in the caves the place was collapsing a bit.

"It's too unstable" ray said driving the boat "I'm gonna have to drop you guys and circle if ecto- 8 sinks we're sunk too"

Ray drops us off at the dock as me, egon, Winston, and peter get off.

"What's the story behind this place egon?" Winston asked.

"The shandors owned this island for generations the castle was built in the 1860s ivo shandor used it as a refuge, a lab and a temple for he and the other other cult members to worship gozer" EGON explained.

"Okay well and good but can someone tell me how an entire island sinks"

"The night the last shandor Died there was a huge title surge and the river just swallowed the island hole shandor concentrated the island to gozer and the ghost world reclaimed it."

"And soon the ghost world will continue to assert itself into ours and the damage will be inclcuable" I added.

We walked around the castle for a bit and then stoped to see a picture of illysa.

"That look like illysa" I said.

"The resemblance is uncanny" EGON said. "This is ivo shandors mother painted in 1885"

"Wait Ilyssa is a shandor?" Winston asks.

"Why does this always happen to me" Peter asked "I meet  a girl she's crazy about me but always turns out to  be some kind of unbelievable fixer upper"

Then the thought popped up "this is all making sense" I spoke "illysa must have inadvertently triggered mandala because she has shandor blood"

"She doesn't know it" peter said "when I did her profile she told me she was adopted"

"Some coincidence" Winston said "someone must have known and set this up"

"The mayor did mention peck personally recommended illyssa to be the guest at the gozer exhibit."

That must be what's going on we walked around little more and I fell in the hole. I slowly got up and heard the guys screamin.

"Ray what's going on" I asked comming him.

"I'm fine but you need to get to the others so they can help you but be carful we don't know what we're dealing with yet but it sounds when big things attack it hurts"

"Copy that" I said as I started walking to a dark tunnel.

"Ace" I heard Winston say in a comm "I'm trapped in a dark place I can barley move my arms can you find me"

"Don't worry I'll find you" I said on the comm.

"Just so you know I always liked you more than the others" I smiled when Winston said that.

Then I got to a room with weird tomb I opens one of them to reveal Winston "thanks I was seriously cramping in there"

"We have to find egon" I said as we started running.

"I think I hear you guys" EGON said on the comm "yes that sounds like my equipment you are getting close"

"Hang on Egon we're almost to you" I said as I opened the door and he comes out of it.

"Thank you. Have you seen venkman?"

"No" Winston said

"Hey there" peter said running to us "we gotta get out of here there's a monster and the island is sinking"

We noticed a monster was behind and we started running to rays boat. As we left the island.

"How was it?" Ray asked in excitements "was it cool? Did we get any samples?did it have multiple eyes?"

We all glared at ray not amused.

"Shut up" EGON said to him.

It was a rough day.

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