Back at the hotel

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We drove that the segwick boten the first place we found slimer.

We enter the hotel the manger came up to us. "That disgusting green blob is up on the 12th floor, wreaking havoc I demand a refund right now"

Peter spoke "Sir if you check the fine print in our invoice"

"Invoices" I corrected him.

"Right invoices you'll see that he warranty's of re-haunting expired sometime ago you should've taken an extended service agreement"

"I'm getting some Interesting PKE spikes here" EGON said as we walked around the hotel. "Disturbances don't seem to be exclusive o the 12th floor I'd like a chance to look around the building a little more"

"Good" ray said "pick up what you can. That little greenie shouldn't cause us too much trouble."

Peter, ray and I head to the elevator al the way to the 12th floor as we see the ghosts. He flew up at me and slimed me.

"You got it again that's awesome" Peter laughs helping me up.

"How does this even happen?" I whine "I just got here... funktified again"

"You guys need to get down here immediately our live-in science experiment is tearing apart the lobby and he's not alone"EGON said in the comm.

"More ghosts?" Ray asked in shock "but we gave the hotels a clean bill of health five years ago."

"New people die everyday"

"I'm not taking the stair it's not my cardio day" peter said as we head in the elevator.

We head down but the elevator just stopped I assume that's slimers doing. "All right slumber" I said "you had your fun but the elevators off limits"

"Egon come in" ray contacts egon "we're stuck in the elevator we need some help"

"Think we're stuck in the elevator?" Peter asked "well, let's see" he pressed a button to see if we're stuck at appears we are "you guys good with officially stuck in the elevator show hands" i lift my hand showing that I'm okay with that.

Then we heard a noise we got ready to fire but the elevator opened to reveal my husband "need a hand?"

Got out of the elevator to see many ghosts everywhere we tried to get them but they all split.

Then we saw a ghost that came out of nowhere some fishermen ghost flew passed us.

"Where did he come from" ray asked.

"I suppose we should go after him" said EGON. "Unless you want to disgust it first"

"Egon and I will check the fishermen" I suggested as EGON nods and we go find him.

"This way" EGON said as we Head to the stairs "looks like he's drifting upstairs. He stops me and checks his PKE then shushes me and tells me to go first I noded as I went first. I walked slowly to get the ghost when "look out ace!" I looked up to see a stair case fall and I jumped forward and it fell were EGON was.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Egon nods "can't get across ther move rate the lead! Take this trap" he throws me the trap.

I caught it "if anything happens I love you and our daughter"

"I love you too"

I began to walk up the stairs to find the damn ghost. That sucker could be anywhere in the hotel. Then I started to smell something awful like fish.

"Now I know what fishermen smells like" i thought to myself out loud as the ghost comes out with his giant fishing rod. "Okay then you want to go fishing" I pointed my proton st him "I'll catch one for you" I began to catch the ghost and trap it.

I heard a loud sound as I turned to see ray,Egon and peter kick down the door and the guys running towards me especially egon who ran up and hugged me "you all right?"

"Im fine" I told him smiling.

"Anybody hear from zeddimore?" Ray asked.

Then all the sudden we felt a rumble on the groun the the sound of stomping.

"Guys"we heard Winston's voice from the comm "I'm outside and so is something else"

"Gosh we've missed you partner" Peter said "glad you could make it"

"I've been trying to get here for over four hours peter the traffic is a little Blocked right now"

Then we felt a thud "wait" ray said "I know that this.

Egon grabs the comm "Winston what do you see out there?"

"It's big, it's clean,and soft and white and you aren't gonna like it"

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