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You had caught a cold due to Pepa being outraged from whatever she was mad at, and had been stuck in bed, Camilo tries to transform taller to get your attention through your window, but fails. And falls, you hear the thump and look out your window groggily. You see Camilo and laugh. He smiles while rubbing his head.

"Ay.. eso duele./ow.. that hurt." Camilo said as he winced.

You open your window and prompt him to get in, and he transforms again taller to get in. He trips as he falls in from his foot getting caught, you giggle and try to move away.

"Why are you moving away mi amor?" Camilo said pouting.
"I don't want you getting sick Camilo.."

Camilo chuckles and tackles you on your bed, positioning you on your pillow comfortably.

"Y.N you dont need to move away, If you get sick, we get sick together." Camilo said smiling at you.

You get flustered and blush. He moves towards you and pulls your waist near him, Giving you a kiss on the forehead and cuddling next to you.

"So warm.." you think while pulling you closer to him. He realizes that your doing that and gets red, noticing your countering his flirting.

He Gives a lot of kisses on your forehead, head, cheek and lips and small pecks on the neck since he was nervous there. And you start getting ticklish.

You two finally stop your subtle flirting ways and cuddle together under thick sheets.


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