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 Editors note: so uh yall were confused about the cheater camilo, basically its a different AU. so to make this less confusing I'll put this little emoji here to clear things up:❤️ also reminder that one of my headcannons that WILL be active in this story is that Camilo is a boob man lal

Also tw: smut-ish? definitely some horny camilo in here tho

ok another editors note this is smutty lal

ANYWAYS BACK TO THE StoRY (this is the main au! ❤️)


You had been cooking some nice cheesy gorditas, you know their Camilo's favorite so you started working on them. Putting your hair up in a simple ponytail and an apron, with a little more than slight cleavage showing under it due to your stretched out shirt that belonged to Camilo.


Camilo was walking down the stairs, from the savory smell coming from the kitchen.

He saw you flipping some gordita's off the stove. Camilo rushed over to give you a peck on the cheek, for making him his favorite food. once he leans out from your cheek, He looks down and sees your cleavage. His eyes widen and he feels his pants tighten and his face getting red.

"Mi amor, is something wrong? you look red." You say looking up from the stove to see Camilo with a startled yet relaxed expression.

"Nothing Carino, its nothing." He says chuckling and just going back upstairs.


Camilo goes upstairs, closing the door. but not hearing the click,

"h-huh? its nothing I just need to take care of this before Y/N notices.." Camilo thinks while taking off his pants. revealing a bulge underneath his boxers.

Cut to down stairs just like 12 minutes after

"Camilo! your food's ready Dadd- I mean amor!" You say stupidly face palming.


"h-hngh, h-ah!" Camilo moaned with pleasure under his breath pumping his length trying to keep quiet for Y/N not to hear.

"Camilo? are you okay?" You say walking up the stairs quietly.

You open the door slowly, revealing Camilo moaning under his breath and playing with himself.

you open the door and Camilo's eye's widen.

"if you were horny right now Camilo, why didnt you say so amor?" You say grinning, with a catty yet lustful gaze in your eyes.


again this is a 1 shot/ main AU not the cheater AU which the new episode will be posted at like 3 am because im an owl or sum or tmmrw mk.

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