alone time

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editors note: ty for 400k reads~! <3 also this is a wholesome/gentle smutty read, enjoy!

this was basically when they discovered the secluded part of the island which is their hangout spot, featured in some episodes!

"Camilo, I'm tired of hanging out in your room. Antonio comes in and your mom does too, which is where we've had many close calls." You say stubbornly.

"Ok, mi amor, there's this one spot I want to bring you to," Camilo says, grabbing your hand and kissing it softly, his curled hair draping down.

he takes you to this secluded place on the island, it has a bench and the soft faint sounds of waves crashing on the mountains.

You gasp slightly, the trees were so colorful. and perfect for hiding things you don't want anyone else to see *WINK WINK*

Camilo sits down on the bench, and gestures you to come and sit, he wraps his arm around you. he feels warm, his soft ruana warming you as he gives you soft little kisses, rubbing your waist up and down.

Camilo's small kisses had distracted you, him riding his hand up your thighs, rubbing them, trying to get you on his lap in front of him. you pull your head up as he slowly pulls his head down for a taste of your neck, giving small bites and sucking slowly.

"C-Camilo, not here.." You say, whimpering softly.

"Princesa..nobody will see us here," Camilo says, riding his two fingers near your wet entrance.

You let out a semi-loud whimper as Camilo glides his hand across your waist, sliding off your panties slowly.

he bucks his hips to get you closer, he traces your waist slowly, sending a slight chill down your back. 

Finally, his two fingers slide through your entrance, you let out a loud moan.

"Shh~ Princesa, we don't want to be heard now do we, keep quiet amor~." He whispered inside your ear, biting your neck and sliding his finger in and out slowly.

You feel you're reaching your climax.

"C-Camilo, I'm gonna..hngh.." You whimper slowly from all the pleasure.

"mm, do it carino..tu sabe's que me gusta." He says, sliding in and out faster, slightly shaking his fingers.

(you know that I like it.")

You cum, he slides out his fingers and smirks, sliding your panties back on and giving you small pecks on the cheek.

"Was that good enough for alone time amor~?" He says gazing at you.

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