Movie Night

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Special thanks: To Raine_St0rm, one of the mods in my discord server, for giving me this idea! <3

This is a wholesome/fluff read.

You had proposed the idea to watch a movie with Camilo, he liked the idea of the movie. not just to see and admire you, but to spend time with the one he loved so much, and get closer to her. (In more ways than one, not the smutty way tho lol (jk))

He arrived at your house, at 7:45 PM. Sharp, he couldn't wait to see you. He brought popcorn and snacks, and of course, you did the pleasure of making him his favorite gorditas.

You pulled him onto the couch and started watching the movie, you shivered from the cold a little.

"Mi amor, are you cold?" Camilo said, concerned.

He pulled you closer to him and grabbed a blanket to stay warm. He smirked and started to focus on the movie more. you slowly started to doze off around midnight, once the movie ended he carried you all the way to your room, you slowly woke up as he carries you.

"mm, the movie over already?" You say as you lie down on your bed, pulling a duvet over you.

He nods and lies down with you. His warmth made the moment even more soothing, he takes off his ruana and hangs it on top of the bed frame then pulls you closer.

You flip over to his viewing, he's still awake and was just gazing at you, smiling softly.

"it's not nice to stare carino~," Camilo says with a raspy voice.

You chuckle softly then give him a soft kiss and doze off in his arms.

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