Your done.

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Editors idiots note: sorry I havent posted in awhile, something personal popped up and I was unable to make the story, I sincerely apologize. ALSO THIS IS CHEATER AU LOYAL/MAIN AU WILL BE POSTED TMMRW BECAUSE AND IT WiLL BE FLUFF SINCE I HAVE BEEN DOING A BUNCH OF HORNY ONES SORRY NOT SORRY LAL

note:THIS IS A Cheater au, also its modern so get L (still on the island just more techy y'know) (2021?) ________________________________________________________________________________

Next day

You woke up to the sound of your blaring alarm, a week after the Incident, still not talking to Camilo, you haven't seem him around since then.

You walked around town, still heartbroken about what Camilo said, he never even explained. how annoying of him. Suddenly Pepa walked up to you, giving you a big hug.

"aye, y/n-sita! are you okay? Did you see what happened?" Pepa says hugging you tight.

You said, "what-?" in confusion.

"has Dolores not told you yet? Camilo and Fatima are starting to hang out more." Pepa says in a frustrated mom tone.

Your face gets red, you tell Pepa bye and you storm off to one of you and Camilos secluded spots on the island, knowing he might take that SKANK there.


You arrive at the spot that you and Camilo had loved, many special moments made there.

your eyes slowly start pooling with tears as your face starts turning beet red with anger and agony of being heartbroken. 

"C-Camilo?" You say stuttering with a broken voice.

You see..


get L

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