The ending

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Editors note: Thank you for the fun! (:

Camilo's soft hands intertwine with yours, his suit and your white long dress almost seem like their glowing, with the alter above you. The priest completes the vows, you smile ever so passionately looking at the one you love the most, you both share a gentle kiss in front of everyone on the pews, claps emerge and you hear Antonio's loud cheers.


You pull away from the kiss, smiling so much and Camilo had been crying just a little.

He sniffles a little, and says, "Mi amor, I love you so much." He says pulling you again for a kiss.

You cry as well, Camilo had always been there for your ups and downs. Your memory between you two goes racing in your head as everyone cheers.

Skip to the after party

You and Camilo just gaze at each other while dancing, so happy with one another, and whispering sweet things in each other's ears when getting close.

You two sit down, tired from all the dancing, smiling, and talking.

You hold each other's hand, then Mirabel comes up to you two.

"Ay primo, I never thought you would have actually married her. Good for you." Mirabel smiles at him giving him a hug then walking away again.


2 years later..

"Mariana, pay attention to me, pick one, and put on the dress!" You say to your daughter, Mariana frustrated for not putting on one of her many dresses.

"I don't want to, I want DAD to pick it for me!" Mariana says, pointing to Camilo and pouting.

"Well, well! If it isn't my princesa Mariana, ponte una vestido princesa!" He says, transforming into a fancy butler.

Mariana giggles and grabs her light pink dress, and hugs her dad.

You smirk and laugh a little two, Mariana runs away with a plushie to play and Camilo transforms back into himself.

"Well, Carino..since Mariana isn't here, why don't we cater to ourselves now?~" Camilo says wrapping his arm around you.

"Oh, stop Camilo." You say laughing while giving Camilo just small kisses all over.

Camilo chuckles.

"I always knew I loved you Y/N." He said holding your hand.


Wow, it's the end of the series! I always knew it would come since I started this series. Thank you so much for the fun and memories, if you simps have anymore characters that are popular that you simp for, please tell me.

Enough of that, but seriously thank you for letting me express my writing skills. I never thought I would get this far, this story will stay up but will no longer be updated, I will be focusing on school more but don't worry! I will still be minorly active on discord and the server will still be up! 

Thank you for this opportunity.

-LonelyWriter, with much love and tears.

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