Foggy mirror

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Editors note: theress a little birthday special coming soon from a request!!


TW: Smutty fluff


You had just come home from work, not exhausted but still a little, horny? You enter the restroom in your bedroom and turn on the shower to a mild temperature, and grab a soft towel while it heats up.

You plop down the towel on the storage rack near your sink, than enter the shower. you hear the door open, but think nothing of it.

"its just your mind running wild Y/N." you thought.

you hear the faint sound of clothing dropping, still brushing it off but getting a little worried. suddenly the shower curtain opens up, revealing Camilo naked.

you yell not expecting him there,

"CAMILO GET OUT!" You say with you face red trying to cover your soapy body up.

Camilo's eye's widen and he starts blushing, he runs out while wrapping a towel around his waist.

why was he so worried? he already saw you naked before, and more. *wink*

you let out a sigh of relief, and get back to scrubbing yourself, than a knock on the door occurs.


"hey, Y/N?" Camilo says in a suggestive yet soothing tone.

"What Camilo?" You says annoyed why he had barged in expecting to let him in without any warning.

"Sorry about that I should've asked, can I join you in the shower carino?" Camilo says with a hopeful tone that you'll say yes.

you sigh, "Sure cario.." You say already knowing whats coming.

Camilo quickly comes in to the shower, just admiring your wet body gazing at you with lust in his eyes.

"C-can I rub your body, mi amor?" Camilo says nervously, this was your first time showering together.

You nod with your face beet red.

Camilo's hands start touching your soapy body, massaging your back after a long day of work, hitting all the right spots, in particular he hit this one spot. It was so nerving that made a soft moan come out of you, like pressure had been lifted from that spot.

Camilo took notice of that and started getting HORNY

"Y/N, are you sure we cant..?" Camilo said like a little kid whining for not feeling the sexual pleasure he, oh so wanted at that moment.

you give him a stare that just screams, "No." and go back to washing your body.

He groans and starts trying to convince you by doing little things, like giving you little pecks on your neck and pulling you closer to his waist.

You finally give in and tell him to wait till you two get out of the shower.


ok, so should I continue where they do the THINGS, also this is sort of a little drabble.

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