oh no.

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editors note: yuh shaba daba moving like a meebo meebo rabu rabu daba degaba oo tongue twister you baba baba ALSO THIS A DIFFERENT AU CHEATER AU THE MAIN AU WILL ALWAYS BE LOYAL CAMILO 

TW: Smut


You and Camilo had been doing IT, but as you were riding camilo bouncing on his length something peculiar happens?

"h-hngh! N-not so hard F-fatima!" Camilo says groaning in pleasure.

You suddenly stop and look at Camilo. Camilo stops moaning, and grins nervously. 

"what the fuck Camilo?" You say, getting off him and putting on a towel angrily.

"Y-Y/N! Let me explain!" Camilo said putting on his boxers.

"get out! you dirty pervert." You say with your face red and still lustful.


part 2 cumming soon i mean coming soon

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