the one where it gets awkward

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Editors note: uh the part 2 the one where it gets deeper coming out tmmrw but for now have some suspense stuff that like makes you bite your cheek in embarrassment.


It was 2 days after Camilo had done IT with you, you felt more comfortable around him now. he had invited you over for dinner with his family, you came while they were all eating. Since you were a little late, once you came in they all stared at you and it went silent.


"a-ahem." Agustin said fake coughing to start up conversation again. the family went to back to chattering and eating.

Camilo and Dolores looked at you nervously, Camilo especially, he looked flustered but not in the good way, like the "omg something so embarrassing happened that nobody can know about but Dolores told everyone" kind of not in the good way.

you said down next to Camilo smiling at him. he looked at you with his timid and worried eyes.


"What happened Cami?" you whisper to him.

"U-uhm, Dolores told everyone."

Camilo said while his deadpan eyes hit you in realization, your eyes got wide and you dropped your fork like it was deafening. once again everyone stared at you, you chuckled nervously and snatched it off the floor.


"ahem, so Y/N how is your relationship with my dear Camilo?" Pepa said trying to flatten things down.

"Oh well, its going quite well, Ms. Madrigal!" you said plastering a fake smile over your face.

"Ok! I cant take it anymore, CAMILO what were you doing 2 nights ago." Maribel said with suspense.

"w-well! that depends? what do you think we-I mean I was doing?" Camilo said with a twitched eye and a furrowed brow.

"Never mind." Maribel said slumping down in her chair in embarrassment.  


"wait? what do you mean "WE" Camilo?" Mirabel said slowly rising up.

"Mirabel, lets take a step down please." Abuela said smiling with a tense look.

"no, its obvious that they had SE-" Mirabel was cut off by Camilo by him quickly running over to her and covering her mouth.

"he-heh-heh! lets not say estupideces/stupid stuff Mirabel!" Camilo said fake laughing.

"No, what did she say?" Abuela said

Mirabel quickly chomps Camilo's hand and blurts out, "Y/N and Camilo had SEX!"

everyone gasped, and stared at you and Camilo.

"w-well! thats the end of today goodbye!" You said quickly getting out of your chair and running out the door in embarrassment.

"Y-Y/N! wait up!" Camilo said running towards her while massaging the bite mark made by Mirabel.

"tch, I knew we should've put sound-proof walls in your house Y/N!"

"that was so embarrassing Camilo!"

ye thats all lmao get L

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