Happy new year special!

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 editors note: happy new years! its only 2 hours away for me and I was born on January 1st so its my birthday as well! here's a little party madrigal one to kick off the new year~! (also this is kind of more info on what I think his room is like)

This is the main AU and its a sorta spicy/party one! (:


 You walk to the magical Casita, you hear chatter and blaring music inside the fantastic household. birds and wondrous animals chittering around and following your boyfriend Camilo's little brother, Antonio! You go to greet him, his cute smile as he's happy to see the person that shaped Camilo to be such a better person than he was before.

"Hi Hi Hi Y/N!!" Antonio says excitedly while giving you a big hug with birds all over his arms and head.

You chuckle at his goofiness that's just like Camilo's, you say "Hi little Antonio! Do you know where I can find Camilo?"

"He's upstairs in his room, be careful though his door is reallyyy weird!" Antonio says still playing with the critters around him.

You tell Antonio bye and smile at him wholeheartedly, you finally enter the extravagant house and are met with the smell of whiskey, and loud mariachi and music.


You greet Pepa and Felix, they give you a hug and send you on your way to go greet Camilo since they know you two always enjoy each others company.

You finally come up the stairs and knock on Camilo's door, it creaks open and Camilo pulls you in to give you tons of kisses on your lips, forehead and of course, your neck.

"Hola amor, how are you?" Camilo says grabbing you by the waist and plopping you down on his bed.

"Hey Camilo, so Antonio told me about your room, It looks completely normal so whats the big deal." You say confused.

"oh, um.." Camilo says rubbing his head.

You were about to say something but you fall on your back as the room suddenly transforms to a different atmosphere, still a bedroom just with a more abstract feeling.

"O-ow! that fucking hurt like shit.." You say trying to get up after you catch your breath from falling on your back.

"Carino, are you okay? That happens when I get some sort of weird feeling, its sort of like how my mom can control the weather with her feelings." Camilo says pulling you up from the floor and just try's to find somewhere safe to put you.

"Hm, Lets just get out of your room cario.." You say rubbing your back and opening the door.

You hear the fireworks and the cheers of excitement.

"Camilo! lets go right now its about to be 12!" You say perking up and looking at Camilo, his eyes suddenly light up as if he had a idea.

"ok Y/N lets go!" Camilo says grabbing your hand and smirking deviously, pulling you into the crowd.

less than 2 minutes till the clock strikes 12, and Camilo had just kept you close, jealous girls (especially Fatima who invited herself.) staring at you while you just keep close to him.

You hear the crowd's chatter grow, counting down the seconds till the new year.

"Camilo, what are you doing amor?" You say chuckling and flustered

"You'll see Y/N." Camilo said gazing at you.

Camilo quickly draws you away from the crowd and pulls you to the front of a bunch of girls, he knew they had a crush on him. He stares at you up and down while grabbing your waist, pulling you closer, at the last second he kisses you.

"THREE! TWO! ONEE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone cheers while the girls having their eyes wide open and disgusted.

He knew what he was doing, putting his tongue in your mouth pulling your waist and dominating you. still slowly opening his eyes and staring at the dumb-founded and angry girls who had probably had steam coming out of their ears.


Happy new year everyone! I wish everyone good luck and prosperity.

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