Honey, I'm Home!

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Dear diary,
It's been 1 day since the boys came to live with me. So far there have been 6 arguments, 3 near-death experiences on my part and surprisingly only 1 thing was broken. (A plate of all things).

You'd think I would have kicked them out by now, and honestly, they seemed to think so too from the looks they gave me. But despite my assumed sanity being intact, (I googled it) I just made them clean up the mess and that was it. Betty Boop is gonna smack any remaining sense out of me.

In the time between that and writing this, Nightwing explained that they can't take off the masks, but I can't say I get why. I understand wanting to keep their identity hidden in their universe, but really, who would even recognize them here? Do they think I'm going to run facial recognition or something? Or that I can even do that?!

I take a moment to breathe.

On a more peaceful note, I notice small things about each of the boys as I observe them. I will admit, and only to you, Diary, that I've spent most of that observation on Robin.

He's cute. I can admit that. Maybe a little violent, if his threats are anything to go by. But, the other men don't seem fazed, so maybe that's just a normal speech pattern. He's also very secretive.

Despite living with me for two days, and being in a whole other dimension, he still hasn't told me his real name. None of them have. I can guess that it's like a sacred rule between all of them not to say it. I asked once, and all of them said the same thing in unison.

"No, it could be dangerous."

I changed the subject, but this is starting to get ridiculous. They're a very secretive bunch, but this is a bit much. I know little facts and tidbits about them, but nothing that can tell me why I think they're so familiar.

You would think Nightwing would be the most revealing, considering he talks the most, but he just talks about everything EXCEPT himself and his family. All I have been able to assume is that they're all brothers, or something close-

I hear something shuffle behind me so I close my diary with an audible snap. The yellow cover releases a few crackles from the flimsy plastic at the binding.

I look around my room skeptically. I hear another scuffle and my head whips around to where I think it came from. I hear a soft chuckle and I whip my head around again.

A figure steps out of the shadows. Pale and lean, a tall man who reveals himself as if stepping away from a void in the corner of my room. It's a small room, so I should have been able to notice him right away. But I didn't.

I stand up on solid legs. I walk slowly over to the male and he smiles, a cruel twist of his lips. He leers over me in a way that reeks of condescension.

I slap Red Robin upside the head, and he laughs, breaking his demeanor. His hair gets ruffled now that he's exchanged the cowl for a domino mask like the others.

"You scared me! I thought my room was being robbed or something." I say. He stops laughing as hard, but his face is still screwed up in a snicker.

"Sorry Cora, you were so focused on writing that I just had to peek. It was way too easy." He says with a surprising lack of malice in his voice. I glare at him regardless, and his laughter subsides.

"Ok, I'm sorry, but do you want to know our names that badly? I know you're probably curious but you have to know how dangerous it could be for you." He searches my face for something.

"While I see your point, wouldn't it be easier to hide your identities without the masks and weird names? Someone from your dimension may be able to recognize you there, but no one here would. If your names sound too weird I can always come up with new ones anyway. I haven't even seen Redhood without the helmet yet!" I exclaim. He sighs in frustration.

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