Comfort Zones

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I became much too comfortable. My typically iron walls dropped as I watched over Cora's sleeping form. She continues to look gorgeous and peaceful, even with her cheek being slightly smushed into her pillow.

I stare at her features intensely, trying to memorize her face as it is now. Her skin is a warm tan, and it suits her well. She's at the least half Hispanic. She has mentioned before that it's from her mom's side of the family.

Her brown hair is a light chestnut brown. It's not perfectly straight, just a little wavy, and it's mostly behind her with the exception of a couple of strands that frame her face beautifully.

I wish I could see her eyes. They're a warm brown, and when she's concentrating her eyebrows furrow above them. They express just as much emotion as the rest of her face.

I can read her easily, though there are times it seems like a language I can't understand. I like when she smiles at me, and when we were sparring her eyes were alight with a challenge I don't see often. I know one thing for certain. I don't want her to ever look at me again like she did almost an hour earlier.

Any time someone finds out what I've done they usually look at me with fear and suspicion. She had the usual shock in her eyes, but I saw the fear behind it too. I want her to feel comfortable around me. I want her to look at me like she cares.

It's only been a few days here but she's already treated me nicer than most people have. She is kind to everyone, and thus I can't tell if she truly enjoys my company. She seems the type to feed the homeless and give more than she would get back.

I want to give it to her. I want to give her everything she gives me. She opened her home to 4 strangers without a second thought. Not only that but she's taken lengths to provide for us while we stay.

I don't like worrying over the strain our appearance must be putting on her. If she were the one to cross into my dimension, I wouldn't worry nearly as much about taking care of her.

She does well for herself. The house is well kept, the pantry is stocked, and she can cook well enough to feed a family. But I still get the sense that she needs something, and I want to give it to her. If only I could understand what it is.

The sun has set by now. It would be more suspicious to linger in her room, let alone while she sleeps. I stare at her longingly, wishing she could wake up and give me the answers to questions I haven't asked.

I hesitantly begin to leave the soft comfort of her bed. Cora's face contorts into one of distaste. Her features are still relaxed, but much less peaceful. Her hand stretches out to where I just was on the mattress. When she doesn't feel me, her hand begins to limply swat around until her eyes crack open.

"Dami?" She asks softly, almost in a mumble. Her eyes land on me, then open more. A warm feeling spreads through my chest when I hear the name she has given me.

"Yes, I'm here," I speak lowly. I don't want her to wake up when she was so peaceful just moments ago. Granted I was there with her. Perhaps she simply doesn't like being without someone next to her. It may not be strictly me.

"Is everything okay? How long was I out?" She asks groggily. She starts to move into a sitting position. She wipes her eyes lazily. It's quite adorable, and my lips twitch upwards of their own volition.

"Yes, everything is fine, Cora. You weren't asleep for long. But you had a stressful day today, you should rest more." I recommend softly. I don't want her to become fully alert if she does decide to follow my advice.

"Oh, but I wanna spend more time with you before my parents get back." She says with a yawn. Her face seems to gain awareness and even in the mostly dark room, I can see her cheeks get darker. My eyes tend to adjust more quickly due to my prolonged time in the cave.

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