The Past Haunts Us

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I walk into the kitchen with most of the boys in front of me. I don't feel much like goofing around right now. I have too much on my mind.

Mr. Wayne told us that Damian is resting right now. Every time I think about going up to see him, I remember what happened last night. It's bringing back unwanted memories.

I suppose that's what is making me a bit more concerned for Damian. I want to see him and make sure he's okay, yet I also don't want to see him in pain. Is that selfish?

He seemed okay when he had first woken up, so maybe he'll be even better now that he's rested. I had better let him rest regardless.

Mr. Pennyworth is going to make lunch soon, so I guess I can see him around then. For now, I need to find something to do.

Actually, I need to find my room. I ended up sleeping in the cave last night, so I didn't finish unpacking. I didn't bring much but now I suppose it's time to find my room in this maze of a manor.

I realize that the boys have all scattered around the house, leaving me alone. I sigh before shaking my head. Now is not the time to feel sorry for myself.

I shake off all those feelings. I just have to find the correct direction and then walk down that one hallway. If I'm in Mr. Wayne's office now then I just need to think of where he took me the first time.

I open what I think is the correct door, luckily it leads to a hallway. I try to walk confidently. This looks like the same hallway, but how long were we walking for?

I guess I'm going for a long walk then. I am so thankful that I thought to put something on my door handle. It still feels odd to call it mine, but it's the room that I'm currently staying in.

I think I've been walking for maybe 5 minutes. Is that it? There's something on the ground between two doors.

It's my string bookmark. But if that's on the ground here, my room would have to be one of these doors, right?

It's a little silly, but I decide to just close my eyes and Einy meiny miny moe. When I open my eyes I see my hand pointing to the room on the right. I'm really hoping I'm right.

I slowly and quietly open the door. This is not my room, this room is mostly red. And there's someone in the bed. Not only is this not my room, but this room is also occupied.

I quietly back out of the room, doing my best to shut the door gently. The door is almost completely closed when I hear the person speak raspily.


No. No no no no no. This is Damian's room! What do I do?! Do I go in and explain myself? Do I completely close the door and just pretend this never happened? I think this is what internal screaming feels like.

"Pennyworth, you can come in." He speaks again. There's no getting out of this now.

I slowly open the door. I give an awkward wave and I'm sure my expression isn't much better.

"Hey Dami, sorry to wake you. I was just looking for my room." I say nervously. In the dimly lit room, I can see him raise his eyebrow.

"It's okay. The medicine's effects were wearing off anyways." He says. He tries to sit up and I rush to stop him out of instinct.

"You should take it easy. Here, let me help." I say gently, my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me with a familiar expression. He doesn't want to seem weak.

"I promise, you're not any less for accepting help," I say, looking him dead in the eyes. He opens his mouth to retort but I give him a stern look. He hesitantly accepts my help. I bring a pillow behind him and lean him against it.

"Thank you, but how did you know what I was thinking?" He asks. It seems that the medicine is still affecting him just a little bit. He's usually a little less talkative about what's going through his head.

"I know that look. It was just really familiar is all." I say, hoping I didn't intrigue him with that. Cryptic phrases do that.

"Where did you see it so often then?" He asks, emerald eyes searching me openly. Memories flash through my mind's eye. I blink them away.

"Are you sure you want to know?" I ask, debating if I should really tell him. I suppose now would be as good a time as any.

"Of course, you can tell me anything," He says, a serious look on his face. I take in a deep breath, looking away from his honest eyes.

"I didn't see that expression often. It's familiar because I made that expression often." I explain, hoping to ease my way into this.

"Why? Did something happen?" He asks, concern in his voice. When I look at his face I see it there too.

"It was an accident. I got hurt during training about a year ago. Obviously, I've healed and I'm fine now, but I made that face almost every time my parents were around during my recovery." I say with a small smile on my face as a habit.

"I don't think less of you," Damian states, raising his hand to cup my cheek in a daze.

I lean into his touch, his hand is warm. The way he's looking at me is all I need to know he wasn't lying. The only thing that shows on his face is pure kindness. One could even say, love.

I blush at the thought. Damian is just so amazing, I can't imagine what he would see in me. But it's still a nice sentiment, even though I'm wrong.

"I don't think less of you either. So you can ask for help if you need it." I say, placing my hand on his with a smile. He smiles back at me.

"I will." He promises.

At this moment, all of my worries left my mind for the first time since I woke up today. Right now, it's just me and Damian, and we are okay.

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