Fixing The Broken

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I've calmed down now. My tears have been dried and the sobbing has passed. We're just hugging, in the middle of the Batcave.

"Honey, I do have some conditions." My mom speaks after a long silence. I lift my head to look at her.

"I figured you might. There are a couple of loose ends for me to cover if I move anyways." I sniffle. She smiles at me.

"Alright, well I'll help if I can. But first, I need to meet your friends. " She says happily. Now that's the momma I know.

"Sure thing. 3 of them are back home anyways." I mention casually.

"Cora. Honey, please tell me that the two strange men you were talking to aren't the only adults taking care of you." She says in a strangled voice.

"They're not, but they'd be better than nothing," I state bitterly. She makes a sigh of relief despite my mood.

"Oh, thank goodness. But, there is another adult? A responsible one?" She questions. I nod.

"Yep. His name is Bruce Wayne. He's a billionaire who adopts orphans." I explain, I'm gonna leave out the Batman thing if I can.

"Cora do you mean Bruce Wayne as in Batman?" She says tightly. Well, that plan went out the window. I purse my lips.

"Yes. But! Before you say anything I promise he's responsible. I mean the man raised 4 kids. At least, 4 that I've met." I try to explain. My mom breathes in deeply and sighs heavily.

"And he cares for you?" She asks. I'm not sure how Mr. Wayne feels about me. But I haven't been kicked out yet and I'm dating his son so...

"Yes. He's just a little more, reserved, about it than the rest of them. But the others make up for it." I say. It's not a lie. Just an uncertain truth.

"Alright, well I still want to meet him. But let's go back first. I'd like to change into something more presentable before I meet a billionaire." She says lightly. I let out a small laugh despite myself.

"Absolutely. Besides, you gotta meet some of the boys first." I say, we let each other go from the hug. I feel colder.

"How many are there?" She asks.

"4 boys, well technically 3 of them are adults but they all act like boys. And then there's Mr. Wayne and Mr. Pennyworth." I explain. She raises a brow.

"And the actual boy? That's Damian?" She says. I blush a little.

"Yes," I answer simply.

"And from that face, you like him?" She questions.

"Yes." I feel the blush creeping up my face.

"Does he like you?" I think my heart just skipped a beat or two.

"I think so. He says he does and his actions only prove it. I still think you'd have to ask him yourself though." I mutter. I walk towards the giant tube thing and try to find the button.

"What actions?" My mom asks, her tone is darker than before, but not by much.

"Well, people usually have some choice words about him, but he's a perfect gentleman to me. And I've seen the effect I can have on him, so it's not an act." I say. Harsh memories of when Damian was hit with that 'Joker Toxin' flood my mind. I shake my head to rid myself of the image of Damian's watery eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" She questions worriedly. I tear my eyes away from the control panel to look at my mom's concerned face. I give her a soft smile.

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